On November 30th, 2022, the CEO of , Karim Toubba, announced that they are in an ongoing investigation regarding a recent Security Incident.

They have identified that a third party gained access to their systems, specially where they have customer's information, by using obtained information from the August 2022 Breach.

#breachnotice #lastpass #securityincident #breach #investigation #cybersecurity #KarimToubba #incident #incidentresponse

Last updated 2 years ago

's reporting by Rick Earle last year on a by the state involving data of residents resulted in the state legislature passing a new breach law that has now been signed into law.

The law requires state, county and municipal agencies, and public schools that experience a data breach to notify all those impacted within seven days. It also requires notification to the Pennsylvania attorney general within three days.

Congrats to Rick Earle and WXPI for showing why media needs to report on breaches even when entities try to minimize breaches or risk of harm.


Senate Bill 696: legis.state.pa.us/cfdocs/billi

#wpix #databreach #COVID #notification #infosec #cybersecurity #legislation #breachnotice

Last updated 2 years ago