#breadpunk #bagels #breadposting #bread @SDF commode chat told me to add baking soda to buffer my bagel-boiling water. My dough today was super light though.
#breadpunk #bagels #breadposting #bread
#breadpunk #bread and #dippunk I guess?
@rolltime "I've got my own cilantro mixture"
#breadpunk #bread #baking #sourdough
Proof I am a baker... a slice of my... well, it's no more now... my starter... MY STARTER! NOOO!!!
* cries * 😭
#breadpunk #bread #baking #sourdough
So @okr motivated me to re-awaken my sourdough mother and bake some bread. okr shared this recipe with me https://www.ilovecooking.ie/features/sourdough-bread-masterclass-with-patrick-ryan/ which also includes how to make a sourdough starter.
I usually didn’t knead my dough that long, but it lead to a nice consistency and the gluten developed greatly. So I’m going to keep that :) thanks okr 🙏🏻
#breadpunk #breadodon #bakeodon
#Breadpunk rejects the commoditization of life by market capitalism. Breadpunk is an attitude that something our ancestors made largely for free is not something we should be spending money on. Breadpunk is the idea that we have time again, that industrialism gives us time to bake bread. https://breadpunk.club/docs/manifesto/
Mixing all available kinds of flour together for fun. #mischbrot #bread #breadpunk