@teamsauerteig #BreadRolls #Brötchen #SourDough #Sauerteig #baking
This time I refreshed the #OldDough and reduced to 5% of flour weight. Still need to reduce the yeast, the dough was a little over proofed after a night in the fridge.
Shaping and cutting are improving
#breadrolls #brotchen #sourdough #sauerteig #baking #olddough
Good morning everybody, please enjoy the looks of my bread rolls. I rolled them into shape immediately after having mixed the dough yesterday. Had them sit on tje kitchen counter for some hours then in the fridge over night. And the result looks good and tastes even better. Have a great sunday y’all! @EDBakingClub @teamsauerteig @brotbacken #homebaking #baking #sourdough #breadrolls #BreadPosting #sauerteig #brotchen #brot
#homebaking #baking #sourdough #breadrolls #breadposting #sauerteig #brotchen #brot
Tomorrow we will have breakfast bread rolls. This is how they look now. Have a great evening y’all! o7 #EDBakingClub #sourdough #sauerteig #breadrolls #brötchen #baking #backen @teamsauerteig @brotbacken @EDBakingClub
#edbakingclub #sourdough #sauerteig #breadrolls #brotchen #baking #backen
#BreadRolls #baking #SourDough #OldDough
25 g of dough held back. It will live in the fridge till next week and develop into a mild wheat sourdough. Then some of it will get fed and added as a starter to next weeks batch.
#breadrolls #baking #sourdough #olddough
Frisch aus dem Backofen - heute etwas stark gebräunte Sonntagsbrötchen. Der Roggensauerteig ist trotz der Verkrümelung über den Urlaub weiter fit. Habt einen schönen Sonntag. o7
Fresh from the oven with a darker tan - our sunday breadrolls. The sourdough has survived its hybernation during our holidays, it’s still really active. Have a great sunday y’all! o7 #sauerteig #sourdough #BreadPosting #BreadRolls @EDBakingClub @sauerteig @brotbacken
#sauerteig #sourdough #breadposting #breadrolls
The Future of Food
#tomorrowtoday #climatechange #waterscarcity #nutrition #future #cropcultivation #legumes #Switzerland #breadrolls
#breadrolls #switzerland #legumes #cropcultivation #future #nutrition #WaterScarcity #climatechange #tomorrowtoday
How it began and how it ended: breakfast time! Have a great sunday y’all and keep baking! o7 @EDBakingClub @teamsauerteig @brotbacken #homebaking #sourdoughbaking #sourdough #BreadRolls #BreadPosting #BreadRolls #brötchen #sauerteig #broetchen
#homebaking #sourdoughbaking #sourdough #breadrolls #breadposting #brotchen #sauerteig #broetchen
Homemade wheat bread rolls, with a bit of Lievito Madre. Uncut and well steamed. Let’s see how fluffy they are, shall we? Have a great sunday y’all! o7 @EDBakingClub @sauerteig @brotbacken #homebaking #sourdough #BreadRolls #breadPosting #brötchen #sonntagsbrötchen
#homebaking #sourdough #breadrolls #breadposting #brotchen #sonntagsbrotchen
From #dough to #BreadRolls , a story in three acts. Happy sunday y’all! o7 @EDBakingClub @teamsauerteig #homebaking #BreadPosting #sourdough #homemade #baking #breakfast
#dough #breadrolls #homebaking #breadposting #sourdough #homemade #baking #breakfast
From #dough to #BreadRolls , a story in three acts. Happy sunday y’all! o7 @EDBakingClub @teamsauerteig #homebaking #BreadPosting #sourdough #homemade #baking #breakfast
#dough #breadrolls #homebaking #breadposting #sourdough #homemade #baking #breakfast
Good evening y’all! I spent the whole day completing my 3D printer. I totally forgot to show you some #EDBakingClub goodness. Please enjoy my breakfast rolls from this morning. Habe a great sunday evening! #homebaking #BreadRolls #BreadPosting #brötchen #backen #selbstbacken @EDBakingClub @teamsauerteig
#edbakingclub #homebaking #breadrolls #breadposting #brotchen #backen #selbstbacken
Prep for K2s birthday barbi today
Good morning everybody! It’s breakfast time. These breadrolls have been prepared yesterday and after an overnight proving in the fridge haven baken right now. Have a great day y’all! o7 #BreadPosting #BreadRolls #sourdough #sauerteig #breakfast @kuechenlatein @EDBakingClub @teamsauerteig
#breadposting #breadrolls #sourdough #sauerteig #breakfast
Meanwhile in my kitchen… Frühstücksbrötchen für morgen sind bereit für Übernachtgare im Kühlschrank. o7! #lievitomadre #sauerteig #brötchen #BreadRolls #homebaking #hobbybacken @EDBakingClub @teamsauerteig
#lievitomadre #sauerteig #brotchen #breadrolls #homebaking #hobbybacken
Todays #BreadRolls are coming along. 8 rolls (100g) this time. Previously I made 6 larger ones (130g) which seemed perfect for three people. But appetites differ.
Guten Morgen zusammen! Gibt es einen besseren Weg, als den Sonntag mit selbstgemachten Brötchen zu beginnen? Diese hier sind etwas dunkler geraten, schmechen dafür top!! Habt einen schönen Sonntag! #brötchen #selbstgebacken #homemade #BreadRolls #BreadPosting
#brotchen #selbstgebacken #homemade #breadrolls #breadposting
Guten Morgen allesamt. Sonntag, ihr wisst was das heißt? Es gibt leckere Sonntagsbrötchen, selbstgebacken natürlich. Für meine Kursteilnehmer: Diese hier sind mit 330gr Wasser und etwas Hefe entstanden. Die Hefe musste weg und ich hab den Teig erst spät aufgesetzt. Wünsche euch allen einen schönen Sonntag und schöne Pfingsten. o7 #EDBakingClub @EDBakingClub #homebaking #sourdough #BreadRolls #Brötchen
#edbakingclub #homebaking #sourdough #breadrolls #brotchen
It's been a rainy, chilly day, so perfect for more (freezer) baking. Wholemeal sunflower seed rolls, today.
265g water
12g fresh yeast
200g strong white bread flour
200g wholemeal bread flour
8g salt
50g sunflower seeds plus extra for topping (around 25-30g)
30g honey
10g olive oil
Very fine-tasting bread indeed.
#homebaking #breadrolls #bread #sunflowerseeds #wholemeal #bakewithjack
Good morning #Fediverse! Sunday routine: Baking bread rolls, this time over-night rolls. Completely prepared yesterday, baken this morning. Have a great sunday y’all! #EDBakingClub #homebaking #breadrolls #BreadPosting @EDBakingClub
#fediverse #edbakingclub #homebaking #breadrolls #breadposting