When you bite into your breakfast burrito and forget you added jalapenos.
#jalapenos #breakfastburrito #breakfast
What is a better start of the day than a nice homemade egg burrito. 🤗 Man, I'm jealous about my bf that he has such a great cook at home. 🤔😆😆😆 #gaycook #breakfastburrito
This is some of the most disturbing food styling I’ve ever laid eyes on, and I can’t even pinpoint why. #NewMexico #GreenChile #BreakfastBurrito
#breakfastburrito #greenchile #newmexico
Bing Breakfast Concepts™️ is back!
We give you
#breakfast #breakfastburrito #food #ohmygod #damnthatlooksgood #bingisonehelluvaguy #gimmegimme
#gimmegimme #bingisonehelluvaguy #damnthatlooksgood #ohmygod #food #breakfastburrito #breakfast
Yo. #introduction
#California dude, used to work in #EnvironmentalEngineering and now work in #Data. Use #Python, #SQL, #Git.
Love me some good #breakfastBurrito, #coffee, #vegetarian fare.
Interested in #ClimateChange, #RenewableEnergy, #eBikes, #WalkableCities
#introduction #california #environmentalengineering #data #python #sql #git #breakfastburrito #coffee #vegetarian #climatechange #renewableenergy #ebikes #walkablecities