« Le plastique est le nouveau trésor des pétroliers »
Un traité international de lutte contre la pollution plastique sera négocié du 29 mai au 2 juin. Delphine Lévi Alvarès dénonce la responsabilité méconnue de l’industrie pétrochimique.
Delphine Lévi Alvarès est l’une des coordinatrices de la campagne mondiale #BreakFreeFromPlastic, lancée en 2016. Rattachée au Centre pour le droit international pour l’environnement (Ciel), elle combat l’expansion de l’industrie pétrochimique, aux conséquences sociales, climatiques et sanitaires désastreuses.
We need a strong and just global #PlasticsTreaty to #BreakFreeFromPlastic ! https://t.co/QbdCK3dP0F
« „We need a just, equitable and binding treaty that puts well-being of people at its core“ says @marian16rox 👏 #breakfreefromplastics @gpsuisse @greenpeace_ch https://t.co/guinaGxoVO »
— Retweet https://twitter.com/joelle_herin/status/1662384995766349826
#plasticstreaty #breakfreefromplastic #BreakFreeFromPlastics
Colonialism in the waste sector is evident in many ways. It can be described as the export of waste from economically powerful countries to lower-income countries.
#StopWasteColonialism #AfricaForZeroWaste
#PlasticTreatyNow #BreakFreeFromPlastic #INC2
#inc2 #breakfreefromplastic #plastictreatynow #africaforzerowaste #stopwastecolonialism
Nächste Woche wird in Paris wieder über ein globales #PlasticsTreaty verhandelt. Um die #Plastikkrise zu beenden, muss das Abkommen die Produktion & Verwendung von Plastik einschränken & reduzieren.
Unsere Medienmitteilung dazu 👉🏼 https://act.gp/3WuHthj
#plasticstreaty #plastikkrise #breakfreefromplastic
Plastic Island: Our Microplastic Ecosystem! 🏝️🚫🌊
Hey eco-warriors! 🌿💪 Did you know that there's a new 'island' in town? But hold on, it's not your typical paradise. It's Plastic Island, an alarming ecosystem composed of microplastics. 🚫🌊
#PlasticFreeLiving #ProtectOurOceans #SustainableChoices #BreakFreeFromPlastic #SaveOurPlanet #GoGreen #EcoWarriors #MicroplasticCrisis
#plasticfreeliving #protectouroceans #sustainablechoices #breakfreefromplastic #saveourplanet #gogreen #ecowarriors #microplasticcrisis
Wir sind heute an der Generalversammlung von @Nestle und möchten wissen, wann #Nestle sich endlich #Mehrweg-Ziele setzt.
#Reuse & #Refill sind die wichtigsten Wege aus der #Plastikkrise. https://t.co/7nCbcvcFGa
« I am at the AGM of @Nestle, wanting to know: when will #Nestle finally commit to targets for #Reuse? Today less than 1% of Nestlé's packaging is #reusable. #BreakFreeFromPlastic https://t.co/3HwcqfuoZC »
— Retweet https://twitter.com/joelle_herin/status/1649025870651092992
#nestle #mehrweg #reuse #refill #plastikkrise #reusable #breakfreefromplastic
Please bring back the Container Return Scheme, Chris Hipkins! All the work on implementing a comprehensive scheme has already been done, so with a flick of your pen, we could be back on track! https://greenpeace.nz/gi1ew2 #BreakFreeFromPlastic via @GreenpeaceNZ
Die EU muss den Export von Kunststoffabfällen verbieten: https://share.eko.org/799578216t?referring_akid=120783.12002330._XQ4j-&referring_source=fwd
#WasteTrade #WasteShipment #BreakFreeFromPlastic #BaselConvention #CircularEconomy #EndWasteColonialism
#wastetrade #wasteshipment #breakfreefromplastic #baselconvention #circulareconomy #endwastecolonialism
Die EU muss den Export von Kunststoffabfällen verbieten: https://share.eko.org/799569894t?referring_akid=120783.12201009.zHfKPn&referring_source=fwd
#WasteTrade #WasteShipment #BreakFreeFromPlastic #BaselConvention #CircularEconomy #EndWasteColonialism
#wastetrade #wasteshipment #breakfreefromplastic #baselconvention #circulareconomy #endwastecolonialism
« You wouldn't invite tobacco companies to take part in negotiations about how to eradicate cancer.
Neither should fossil fuel criminals be allowed into talks about how to end the plastic crisis.
— Retweet https://twitter.com/Greenpeace/status/1643976932881760257
Please bring back the Container Return Scheme, Chris Hipkins! All the work on implementing a comprehensive scheme has already been done, so with a flick of your pen, we could be back on track! https://greenpeace.nz/gi1ew2 #BreakFreeFromPlastic via @GreenpeaceNZ
EU Environment Ministers are meeting soon to decide their position on a new law on plastic waste shipments. Please SIGN and SHARE: http://sumof.us/796375472t?referring_akid=119860.9105117.0B6Gry&referring_source=fwd Let's #BreakFreeFromPlastic
RT @MikeHudema
Coca Cola produces 3 million tonnes of plastic packaging a year – equivalent to 200,000 bottles a minute. That needs to change.
Send @cocacola a message. End #plasticpollution.
#ActOnClimate #climate #Useless #WasteLess #BuyLess #BreakFreeFromPlastic
#plasticpollution #actonclimate #climate #useless #wasteless #buyless #breakfreefromplastic
TY @Enckj for this. We need Federal & other state laws, & so we will also be working with @BeccaRauschMA @CindyCreem @SenJasonLewis @SenatorBarrett @JamieEldridgeMA @TedPhilips @MikeConnollyMA @RepCiccolo @MarjorieDecker @MindyForMA this session to #BreakFreeFromPlastic. #MAPoli QT @BostonGlobe: https://nitter.grimneko.de/BostonGlobe/status/1629142605765246976#m
We are a social enterprise based in the UK - but a lot of our work is in sub-saharan #Africa.
We are a member of #BreakFreeFromPlastic and of the Prevent Waste Alliance, which connects stakeholders along value chains.
You can use our free app to collect data about #SingleUsePlastic here: https://wastebase.app
Or, you can learn more about the data we collect here: https://www.unwaste.io/data
Or just go straight to browsing our data here: https://wastebase.org
#introduction #wastebase #africa #breakfreefromplastic #singleuseplastic
To put it simply, these are the top companies polluting the most places with the most plastics in the World !!!
#breakfreefromplastic #cocacola #nestle #pepsico #mondelezinternational #unilever #mars #procterandgamble #colgatepalmolive #philipmorrisinternational #perfettivanmelle #assholitude
More infos here : https://brandaudit.breakfreefromplastic.org/brand-audit-2022/
#assholitude #perfettivanmelle #philipmorrisinternational #colgatepalmolive #procterandgamble #mars #unilever #mondelezinternational #pepsico #nestle #cocacola #breakfreefromplastic
Para el año 2050, ¿habrá más peces o más plásticos? #climatechange #netzero #breakfreefromplastic #madrid
#climatechange #netzero #breakfreefromplastic #madrid
Para el año 2050, ¿habrá más peces o más plásticos? #climatechange #netzero #breakfreefromplastic #madrid
#climatechange #netzero #breakfreefromplastic #madrid
Para el año 2050, ¿ habrá en los Océanos más peces o más plásticos ? #climatechange #netzero #BreakFreeFromPlastic #madrid
#climatechange #netzero #breakfreefromplastic #madrid