Listening to #BBCRadioScotland's #BreakingTheNews and the host Des Clarke said "#JackSmith's office has given #Trump the codename iPhone because they need to charge him every few hours."
#bbcradioscotland #breakingthenews #jacksmith #trump
#Comedy #RadioComedy #BreakingTheNews
Ireland's Neil Delamere is on top form as usual.
BBC Radio Scotland's Breaking The News
#NeilDelamere, #SusanRiddell, #LiamWithnail & #DanaAlexander
Released On: 14 Jul 2023
Available for 87 days
This week on Scotland's topical panel show the teams take a look at; President Biden's visit to the UK, AI technology at Wimbledon, Damian Lewis at the British Grand Prix and is the formal dinner party a thing of the past?
#comedy #radiocomedy #breakingthenews #neildelamere #susanriddell #liamwithnail #danaalexander
A-A-Ron's Joke of The Day: Nancy Pelosi
#NanciPelosi #breakingthenews #comedy #funny #satire
A man has been detained by police after appearing to throw eggs at the King and Queen Consort during a walkabout in York. He is unlikely to face a prison sentence for the offence, and may escape with just a poultry fine. #BTNNB #BreakingTheNews