Today marks #WorldSuicidePreventionDay, a poignant reminder of the importance of mental health awareness and the tragic consequences when it is overlooked.
We all can make a difference. Whether it's lending an ear, sharing resources, or simply being there for someone - every act counts.
#MentalHealthMatters #WSPD2023 #BreakTheSilence #BeTheChange
#worldsuicidepreventionday #mentalhealthmatters #wspd2023 #breakthesilence #bethechange
Confronting the rising violence in healthcare
#HealthcareViolence #SafetyFirst #EndViolenceInHealthcare #ProtectOurHeroes #RaiseYourVoice #SaferHealthcare #BreakTheSilence #DemandChange #HealthcareSafety #StopViolenceNow
Harry Severance is an emergency physician.
Listen here:
#healthcareviolence #safetyfirst #endviolenceinhealthcare #protectourheroes #raiseyourvoice #saferhealthcare #breakthesilence #demandchange #healthcaresafety #stopviolencenow
"Rape is a weapon of war in Sudan, inflicting unimaginable pain on innocent civilians. Stand with the victims, demand justice! #BreakTheSilence"
#breakthesilence #Muhammad_Najem
🔍💰 Big Fossil Fuel Donations & Dark Money in Aussie Politics. $62.2m undisclosed! Yet the majority of Aussie voters continue electing them in regardless! 😱💔
Major parties have received massive donations from fossil fuel giants, raising concerns about their commitment to the environment. And let's not forget the $62.2m in undisclosed dark money flowing between them! It's time for transparency and accountability!
🔔 Join the movement! Share this post to spread awareness about the significant fossil fuel donations and the undisclosed dark money permeating Australian politics. Together, let's demand openness, integrity, and a commitment to a sustainable future for our beautiful country! 🌏💚
Our policy:
#CleanPoliticsNow #TransparencyMatters #ClimateAction #OurFutureOurChoice #BreakTheSilence #EthicalGovernance #AusPol #FusionParty #voteFusion #Fusion #ClimateEmergency
#cleanpoliticsnow #transparencymatters #climateaction #ourfutureourchoice #breakthesilence #ethicalgovernance #auspol #fusionparty #votefusion #fusion #climateemergency
Abused children often exhibit a "freezing" response, where they keep their arms still & avoid eye contact in the presence of an abusive parent or adult. This behavior is a survival mechanism, allowing them to "hide in the open.
#mentalhealthfitness #HiddenInPlainSight #SurvivingSilently #AbuseSurvivors #BreakTheCycle #VoiceForTheSilenced #ChildhoodTrauma #InvisibleScars #EndChildAbuse #EmpowerTheInnocent #SupportingSurvivors #BreakTheSilence #ChildProtection #StandUpForChildren #AbuseAwareness
#abuseawareness #standupforchildren #Childprotection #breakthesilence #supportingsurvivors #empowertheinnocent #endchildabuse #invisiblescars #childhoodtrauma #voiceforthesilenced #BreakTheCycle #abusesurvivors #survivingsilently #hiddeninplainsight #mentalhealthfitness
Thankful that has called for the immediate publication of Dr Geoffrey Shannon's report into St John Ambulance Ireland. Really appreciate it #BreakTheSilence
Vor 18 Jahren wurde Oury Jalloh von Polizist*innen in #Dessau ermordert. Wir gedenken! Auch erinnern wir Laye Alama Condé, der heute vor 18 Jahren an den Folgen von Brechmittelfolter in Bremen gewaltsam zu Tode kam.
Tödliche rassistische Polizeigewalt und Tod in Gewahrsam haben System! Lasst uns der Opfer erinnern sowie die Forderungen nach Gerechtigkeit, lückenloser Aufklärung & Konsequenzen auf die Straße tragen.
Unterstützt die unermüdliche Arbeit der @initiative_ouryjalloh, der Initiative in Gedenken an Laye Alama Condé sowie der unzähligen Initiativen, die ein aktives Erinnern an die Getöteten aufrechterhalten & einfordern.
Oury Jalloh - Das war Mord!
Laye Alama Condé - Das war Mord!
Kein Vergeben, kein Vergessen!
#ouryjalloh #layealamacondé #daswarmord #touchonetouchall #keineinzelfall #deathincustody #polizeiproblem #polizeigewalt #blacklivesmatter #rassismus #abolishpolice #fightracism #nojusticenopeace #breakthesilence
#Dessau #ouryjalloh #layealamaconde #daswarmord #TouchOneTouchAll #KeinEinzelfall #deathincustody #polizeiproblem #polizeigewalt #blacklivesmatter #rassismus #abolishpolice #fightracism #nojusticenopeace #breakthesilence
Hey new fediverse friends, for the holidays and the future, if you are on any socials I'm trying to get a hashtag going it's #dftbk it stands for Don't forget to be kind. I would love it if you had a moment to share a story of kindness with this hashtag.
Sincerely - DJ Zen Zieke
❤️ hope you are all doing well in your timezones ❤️🩹
#ptsd #mwntalhealth #awarenwess #spectrumvibes #lgbtqiaplus #breakthesilence #addiction #adhd #depression #youarenotalone
#dftbk #ptsd #mwntalhealth #awarenwess #spectrumvibes #lgbtqiaplus #breakthesilence #addiction #adhd #depression #youarenotalone
“The Silence" is a documentary that that gives a voice to all victims of child abuse and child sex trafficking & features @jeromeelam & 3 female survivors sharing their stories of courage and inspiration.
@BoysAreNot4Sale @CleoTellier #BreaktheSilence
Turkey continues the work of ISIS.
Bobing refugee camps across Rojava, Shengal and Iraq -
Turkey is a terrorist state !
#breakthesilence #NoFlyZone4Rojava
Heute vor 17 Jahren wurde #OuryJalloh von der Polizei in #Dessau ermordet.
Kein Vergeben, kein Vergessen!
We will never forget you brother #OuryJalloh - Wir werden dich nie vergessen Bruder #OuryJalloh - Nous ne t'oublierons jamais frère #OuryJalloh
#DasWarMord #BreakTheSilence #NeverForget #BlackLivesMatter #NoJusticeNoPeace
#ouryjalloh #dessau #Dessau0701 #daswarmord #breakthesilence #neverforget #blacklivesmatter #nojusticenopeace
#BreakTheSilence - Turkey is one of the biggest sponsors of Terrorism. Yet the EU and UK will not call them out they continue to arm them in their war against Kurds.
Das Statement der Untersuchungs Kommission auf Deutsch:
Stellungnahme der Internationalen Unabhängigen Kommission zum Tod von Oury Jalloh - zum Feuerexperiment vom Oktober 2021
Berlin, 3. November 2021
Das Statement der Untersuchungs Kommission auf Deutsch:
Stellungnahme der Internationalen Unabhängigen Kommission zum Tod von Oury Jalloh - zum Feuerexperiment vom Oktober 2021
Berlin, 3. November 2021