I'd go on about previews, but I respect activity pub to much for it's efforts... But you get the point, it's broken over there to, it's broken everywhere, it's just fucking broken. Previews will help. I support them. And anything to #BreakTheTimeline #BreakTheNarrative
#breakthetimeline #BreakTheNarrative
Now Build Me My Mother Fucking cross platform #MeMeWoRmHoLe so we can shut the fucking narrative down... Just duck duck go search strings that summarize how you have identified the answer to a question and can provide a detailed resource, because you know the right search string...
#memewormhole #IloveItWhenThatHappens #breakthetimeline #BreakTheNarrative
Twitter Coup forming?
#BreakTheTimeline #BreakTheTimeline #AllHashtagsMatter
#breakthetimeline #AllHashtagsMatter #SayNoToTimelineForcedNarritive #FollowHashtagsNotTimelines #UseTheLogicTree #WisdomInQuoteTweets
@ThatWouldBeTelling #TheMoreYouKnow #AllMemesMatter
#BreakTheNarrative #BreakTheTimeline #BraveNewFrontier
#themoreyouknow #AllMemesMatter #BreakTheNarrative #breakthetimeline #BraveNewFrontier #keephopealive #LameMemesAreStilMemes #IannoyMYSELFtoo
#CanIGetAnArtGrant because I ain't no #HughGrant... ? Just sayn' fuk the timeline...
#CanIGetAnArtGrant #hughgrant #breakthetimeline #BreakTheNarrative
We have to integrate and organize the knowledge tree with the tools of logic. Logic is built in with comment/quote protocols in Twitter that Fediverse is missing... That's why sheeple don't come here...
#BreakTheTimeline #BreakTheNarrative #FediverseBug is a #Fediverse #fail
Love you guys... but set sights higher... We are better than this.
#breakthetimeline #BreakTheNarrative #FediverseBug #fediverse #fail
@tacosburritosspeedos Learn how the volume knob and mute button work, and fix the #FediverseBug
#BreakTheNarrative #breakthetimeline #FediverseBug
I highly recommend the mute button.
Find it, mute me, and just stop in and check on me once in a while. I am NOT to be in your "FIRE HOSE" timeline
#BreakTheTimeline #BreakTheNarrative
Stop drinking from the firehose.
Fix the #FediverseBug and unmute me when it's fixed.
Don't give a shit what you think about my post rate.
#breakthetimeline #BreakTheNarrative #FediverseBug
BTW, this is the #HellThread to comment along with as you watch https://youtu.be/27CBStMJyYE
#HellThread #BreakTheNarrative #BreakTheTimeline
Just watch the video as you read this thread, and add comments, fuck the timeline... this is the comment thread for that video...
I don't care if you see this 20 years from now, leave a comment, someone will find it... If I'm around, I'll still watch it, and admit my mistakes understanding it..
#hellthread #breakthetimeline #BreakTheNarrative
@adam I'm a usenet, gopher, irc vet from the 90s too, emberrised it took Rogan to get me to find ya again last year.
You know fediverse is just IRC chat with logic trees, and with tools to #BreakTheTimeline and #BreakTheNarrative if we just fix the #FediverseBug
#breakthetimeline #BreakTheNarrative #FediverseBug
#SignalToNoiseRatio matters... why I keep saying, stop drinking from the firehose, #BreakTheNarrative by #BreakTheTimeline ...
Fix the #FediverseBug (follow the hashtags, follow the threads, stop following the timeline).
#BreakTheNarrative #signaltonoiseratio #breakthetimeline #FediverseBug
Am I good a fucking up peoples timelines or what?
#protip MUTE people if you drink from the timeline firehose, and then drop in on their profile to say hello once in a while.
At periodic times, I like to "set up my front porch" so people can come visit, that means I retweet like MAD keeping topics I want to talk about at the top.
I don't care if you mute me, I prefer it, because #BreakTheTimeline #BreakTheNarrative
#protip #breakthetimeline #BreakTheNarrative
#FEDI Drop some knowledge on us, make #HelloWorldChallenge trend, prove we can put #Logic in #GamingMode and challenge eachother to learn USING the tool they are using to force a narrative. #BreakTheTimeLine and #BreakTheNarrative
Take the #HelloWorldChallenge
Step 1) Admit you were wrong, but posting anything where you were show correct, in context of the thread (quote tweet/post, and/or comments).
Step 2) You won. We just broke the timeline. Go celebrate, you are now sharing knowledge.
#fedi #HelloWorldChallenge #logic #gamingmode #breakthetimeline #BreakTheNarrative
by #FediClient I am including mobile apps, and things like @alex soapbox. I'm just interested in the sexiest platform for building logic based "public notebooks open to comment" and #MicroWiki and ANSI/LOGIC game...
What's the best #BreakTheTimeLine and #BreakTheNarrative interface for activity-pub right now, anything considered, matrix whatever platform, whatever, what is it?
#Fediclient #MicroWiki #breakthetimeline #BreakTheNarrative