Some great #SETI talks at the #breakthroughinstitute Breakthrough Discuss 2023. Mind-blowing to hear of a mission proposal to survey the whole #lunar surface to sub-metre precision to look for evidence of #technosignatures (alien artefacts). Onboard #MachineLearning would be used to work out what bits of the surface are "out of the ordinary". Tests using existing lower resolution data are already able to successfully identify the #Apollo lunar landing sites, without any prior training. Amazing!
#seti #breakthroughinstitute #lunar #technosignatures #MachineLearning #apollo
"Why this Bay Area think tank is the most controversial climate nonprofit you've never heard of" | Very thoughtful piece on the #BreakthroughInstitute by Kate Selig in the @sfchronicle (paywalled):
I'm not much of a conspiracy theorist, but this article by Ted Nordhaus makes me wonder whether the NRC is not purposely trying to obstruct nuclear development in the US. How about a few more hurdles for ya, engineers?
#nuclearpower #nrc #breakthroughinstitute #nordhaus
I'm not much of a conspiracy theorist, but this article by Ted Nordhaus makes me wonder whether the NRC (US Nuclear Regulatory Commission) is not purposely trying to obstruct nuclear development in the US. How about a few more hurdles for ya, engineers?
#nuclearpower #breakthroughinstitute #nordhaus