LobbyControl Tech · @lobbyctrl_tech
519 followers · 22 posts · Server eupolicy.social

Today, the German Federal Court of Justice deliberated on tougher competition control measures for Amazon. The outcome could have significant implications for the Tech giant's market power.

In a first assessment, the court found the law to be constitutional. An important signal in breaking up big tech's . However, the final decision is still pending.


#monopolypower #breakupbigtech

Last updated 1 year ago

But as someone who genuinely loves my Pixel phone, watch, buds, etc. and that whole ecosystem, seeing this—as vastly disconnected from the ecosystem as it is—does make me start to get nervous that some of my favorite tech could disappear overnight. And that's awful for Google's brand.

I’d feel a whole lot better about the Android/Pixel ecosystem if it were separate company from the ads business, too. :)

#google #googledomains #squarespace #breakupbigtech

Last updated 1 year ago

I feel like a solution would be to spin these off as distinct companies so they could live or die by their own merit and not be beholden to the whims of Google, but then that gets complex with sharing resources,/technology/data between them. Idk.

I think I have one domain through Google, so I'll transfer it out to where everything else is and continue on with my life, but this just isn't a good look.

#google #googledomains #squarespace #breakupbigtech

Last updated 1 year ago

Lasse Gismo 🖕 · @LasseGismo
362 followers · 10450 posts · Server climatejustice.social
LobbyControl Tech · @lobbyctrl_tech
509 followers · 19 posts · Server eupolicy.social

Exciting news from Brussels: According to the Wall Street Journal, the EU Commission is considering forcing Google to sell off parts of its advertising business as part of a new antitrust complaint.

By breaking up Alphabet, the Commission would finally take Big Tech's monopoly power seriously. In the past, the Commission has tried to solve the problem with behavioural measures and fines. But the power of Google, Meta, Amazon & Co. has continued to grow.



Last updated 1 year ago

LobbyControl · @lobbycontrol
5766 followers · 143 posts · Server bewegung.social

Spannende Nachrichten aus Brüssel: Laut Wall Street Journal erwägt die EU-Kommission im Rahmen einer neuen Kartellbeschwerde, Google zum Verkauf von Teilen seiner Werbesparte zu verpflichten. Als möglicher Grund wird der Missbrauch der Monopolmacht von Google im Bereich der Online-Werbung genannt.

Mit einer Zerschlagung von Alphabet würde die Kommission die Monopolmacht der großen Digitalkonzerne endlich ernst nehmen. In der Vergangenheit hat die Kommission versucht, das Problem mit verhaltensorientierten Maßnahmen und Bußgeldern zu lösen. Doch die Macht von Google, Meta, Amazon & Co. ist weiter gewachsen.

Es ist daher gut, dass sich hier ein Umdenken abzeichnet. Es ist wichtig und richtig, Marktmacht strukturell zu bekämpfen.


#google #monopolmacht #marktmacht #breakupbigtech #eu

Last updated 1 year ago

vkc // Veronica Explains · @vkc
3360 followers · 199 posts · Server mspsocial.net

The owner of one of the world's largest media companies just used his company - with its massive reach - to advocate for one political party over another.

It'd be real nice if we could regulate that sorta thing.

#breakupbigtech #twitter

Last updated 2 years ago

𝗣𝗠𝗝 👽 · @pmj
298 followers · 11644 posts · Server social.pmj.rocks

RT @LangstrumpfPipo@twitter.com

Das Internet wird von Oligopolen und Monopolen dominiert. Amazon, Google, Facebook und Apple hemmen durch ihre markbeherrschende Position den Wettbewerb und somit die Innovation, aber auch die freie Meinungsbildung ist in Gefahr. antitrustsummer.com/#watch

🐦🔗: twitter.com/LangstrumpfPipo/st

#AntiTrust #breakupbigtech

Last updated 2 years ago

𝗣𝗠𝗝 👽 · @pmj
298 followers · 11644 posts · Server social.pmj.rocks

RT @LangstrumpfPipo@twitter.com

Das Internet wird von Oligopolen und Monopolen dominiert. Amazon, Google, Facebook und Apple hemmen durch ihre markbeherrschende Position den Wettbewerb und somit die Innovation, aber auch die freie Meinungsbildung ist in Gefahr. antitrustsummer.com/#watch

🐦🔗: twitter.com/LangstrumpfPipo/st

#AntiTrust #breakupbigtech

Last updated 2 years ago

Tlacaelel (thenameless) 7.7 · @Tlacaelel
267 followers · 6148 posts · Server hispagatos.space
Michel Salim :TwinPines: · @michel_slm
134 followers · 1165 posts · Server social.coop

A chilling reminder of what did in 2016, how it operates, and what that could mean for the elections in November.


#deletefacebook #breakupbigtech #facebook

Last updated 5 years ago

GambaJo · @GambaJo
699 followers · 15483 posts · Server social.tchncs.de
· @bignose
73 followers · 1341 posts · Server social.chinwag.org

The requirements from the US Federal Trade Commission, for their mishandling of user data, is that Facebook must:

* Pay a US$5Bn fine washingtonpost.com/technology/
* Cease third-party access to user “friends” data techcrunch.com/2019/07/24/face
* Pay a fee to the SEC for misleading Facebook investors sec.gov/news/press-release/201

Still not enough. Corporations don't have an incentive to change these hostile practices until we and

#breakupbigtech #sendceostojail

Last updated 6 years ago