No one has ever died of a broken heart, although it feels like it in the moment. Check out my song Turquoise Tears on Spotify.
#chenelno1 #turquoisetears #indierock #indiemusic #breakupsong #sadballad #heartbreaksong
#chenelno1 #turquoisetears #indierock #indiemusic #breakupsong #sadballad #heartbreaksong
Having your heart broken is never easy. My song, Turquoise Tears, deals with heartbreak and crying so much that you could fill rivers with your tears.
#chenelno1 #TurquoiseTears #acousticmusic #turquoise #acousticsong #tears #singersongwriter #sadsong #liedjieskrywer #loveballad #southafricansinger #heartbreak #sadsongs #sadballad #loveballad #breakupssuck #heartbroken #breakupsong #brokenheart #breakupsongs
#chenelno1 #turquoisetears #acousticmusic #turquoise #acousticsong #tears #singersongwriter #sadsong #liedjieskrywer #loveballad #southafricansinger #heartbreak #sadsongs #sadballad #breakupssuck #heartbroken #breakupsong #brokenheart #breakupsongs
Friend who underwent a sudden, unexpected breakup last week is coming over today. Don’t know if I should cue up the wallowing Adele-heavy playlist or the thank god I’m free (Goodbye Earl) list.
Guess I’ll have to see which she’s in the mood for!
The moment you know a breakup os final and your world crashes, you are left with nothing but picking up the broken pieces.
I wrote this song, Handbag Moods, in collaboration with @timetoact_music and really love the story of the song.
#chenelno1 #breakupsong #loveballad #relationships #indiemusic #lyricsnippet
#chenelno1 #breakupsong #loveballad #relationships #indiemusic #lyricsnippet
Falling in love is really one of the best feelings. Handbag Moods tells a story of falling in love and working through a relationship through the contents of a ladies handbag. Listen on Spotify for the full scoop. @timetoact_music
#chenelno1 #HandbagMoods #rocksong #breakupsong #rockballad #lyricsnippet
#chenelno1 #handbagmoods #rocksong #breakupsong #rockballad #lyricsnippet
Some relationships aren't wortg saving and the one left behind will always carry the scars inflicted.
You don't care at all tells that story of brokenness and can be heard on Spotify.
#chenelno1 #youdontcareatall #sadballad #sadballads #loveballad #breakupsong #breakupssuck #lovelost #songwriter #songalert #southafricansinger #sadsong
#chenelno1 #youdontcareatall #sadballad #sadballads #loveballad #breakupsong #breakupssuck #lovelost #songwriter #songalert #southafricansinger #sadsong
Chained to you is a soulful love ballad of love that's been lost. Available on all major streaming platforms
#chenelno1 #chainedtoyou #indierock #altrock #altrockmusic #indieartist #lovesong #loveballad #rockballad #ballad #songoflove #beautifulsong #brokenheart #breakupsong #breakupssuck #lovelost #songwriter #songalert #southafricansinger #southafricansongwriter #southafricanartist
#chenelno1 #chainedtoyou #indierock #altrock #altrockmusic #indieartist #lovesong #loveballad #rockballad #ballad #songoflove #beautifulsong #brokenheart #breakupsong #breakupssuck #lovelost #songwriter #songalert #southafricansinger #southafricansongwriter #southafricanartist
It's not about graduation, or moving on with you life, or new adventures waiting for you or some sort of transitioning from one phase of life to the next.
It's a #breakupsong
#breakupsong #MisunderstoodMusic #goodriddance #TimeOfYourLife #greenday