Interesting colors and contrast between #sedimentary layers and #igneous intrusions in the Gravel Hills of the #Mojave Desert.
From Tom Dibblee (1968),
the layers are part of the Pickhandle and Barstow formations laid down in the Miocene. The darker purplish rock is an intrusion of #rhyolitic #breccia.
If the rock colors appear familiar you may have seen similar combinations of these formations in the Opal Mountains, Rainbow Basin, and Calico Mountains near Barstow, CA.
#igneous #sedimentary #mojave #rhyolitic #breccia
Variscite-cemented breccia from the top of the Toquima Range in central Nevada.
#breccia #minerals #MineralMonday
L`Anpi come nuovo partito della sinistra, l`idea di Luciano Canfora non fa breccia (di A. Raimo) - HuffPost Italia #lanpi #partito #sinistra #lidea #luciano #canfora #breccia #raimo #huffpost #italia
#italia #huffpost #raimo #breccia #canfora #luciano #lidea #sinistra #partito #lanpi