The ruby (Kanji and Furigana mix) on the breezewiki (fandom?) site started me on learning about how html tags for furigana are changing. It saved me a lot of time looking up characters on the Kanjichishiki site too. And I can't remember learning as much about the Miraheze free wiki site either..
#文豪ストレィドッグス #bungoustraydogs #breezewiki
Neuer Service: BreezeWiki – Fandom-Frontend
Ein neuer adminForge Service kann ab sofort genutzt werden.
Mit BreezeWiki habt ihr ein alternatives und quelloffenes Fandom-Frontend, welches euch ein aufgeräumtes und werbefreies stöbern ermöglicht.
BreezeWiki: Fandom-Frontend
Mit BreezeWiki habt ihr ein alternatives und quelloffenes Fandom-Frontend, welches euch ein aufgeräumt
#adminforge #BreezeWiki #Fandom
#adminforge #breezewiki #fandom
and another shoutout to my favorite wiki
All the relatively up to date information you could want on prepaid SIM cards around the world.
Original URL:
#travel #prepaid #fandomdotcom #breezewiki
Shout out to #BreezeWiki :
"BreezeWiki is an alternative frontend to It makes wiki pages on Fandom readable by removing ads, videos, and suggested content, leaving you with a clean page that doesn't slow down your device or use up your data."
Developed by
Already used it twice tonight and the difference is very noticeable.
#fandom #fandomdotcom #foss #breezewiki