all of this is hideously morbidly fascinating; just when you think they can’t go any possibly lower
you can’t hide sick people, but apparently you can spin it #adinfinitum
There’s an interview I heard last year #BrendanCrabb & his summation was we need to become intolerant of #SARS2 as a society #grassroots & 11 months later, quite opposite has happened
#adinfinitum #brendancrabb #SARS2 #grassroots
“So, what’s next? It is our view that the most important change Australia needs to make is a strategic one. One that is explicitly anti-transmission.”
#BrendanCrabb #MikeToole #COVID19
#brendancrabb #miketoole #COVID19
#brendancrabb outlines the #ScientificReality of #HibridImmunity that is driving Australian #CovidPolicy
I retreat to Grace Slick from Jefferson Airplane/Starship:
“I don’t want to escape from reality. I want reality to escape from me.”
#brendancrabb #scientificreality #hibridimmunity #covidpolicy
Fantastic podcast interview conversation from triple r , Any Mullins with Brendan Crabb talking all things Covid , Long Covid and where it’s at in Australia with governments unable or unwilling to talk about it. #amymullins #brendancrabb #dochertyinstitute #triplerfm #rrrfm https://www.rrr.org.au/explore/podcasts/uncommon-sense/episodes/6333-professor-brendan-crabb-on-the-scientific-reality-of-covid-19-for-all-australians
#amymullins #brendancrabb #dochertyinstitute #triplerfm #rrrfm
@noyes @zephyrleifrenner https://www.mja.com.au/podcast/217/4/mja-podcasts-2022-episode-30-omicron-update-professor-brendan-crabb-ac
First of all, i think that comparison is incredibly insulting to stones🤣 Some stones are 36 million years old+ so.. but your average rock, probably:)
I agree 100%
Read some newspaper quote of 60-something🇨🇳man saying he’d happily get/was prepared to get #Covid to help the economy? #longCovid
My takeaway from #BrendanCrabb interview is people need to become intolerant of #SARS2 & that begins with #education
What a waste😖
#covid #LongCOVID #brendancrabb #SARS2 #education