watching the finale of Unsleeping City and can I just.... say.... it's so good and so bad and Brennan Lee Mulligan is probably the GM of our generation and the next generation and probably he's a time lord idk #dnd #dimension20 #brennanleemulligan #collegehumor #dropout
#DnD #dimension20 #brennanleemulligan #collegehumor #dropout
#Dimension20's #BrennanLeeMulligan led an adventuring party in a final battle as part of the strike at #UniversalStudios. #WGASTRIKE #DnD
Fighting the Forces of Evil at the Dungeons & Dragons-Themed Picket Line in #Hollywood
#hollywood #dnd #wgastrike #universalstudios #brennanleemulligan #dimension20
Gizmodo: Fighting the Forces of Evil at the Dungeons & Dragons-Themed Picket Line in Hollywood #dungeonsdragonshonoramongthieves #baronstrahdvonzarovich #melissafeuchtinger #brennanleemulligan #strahdvonzarovich #magicthegathering #dungeonsdragons #logangriffin #alliemenelli #lindseyallen #natebuchman #davemetzger #daphnemiles #dimension20 #laurenmuir #samreigel #jonstrahd #ravenloft #sagaftra
#dungeonsdragonshonoramongthieves #baronstrahdvonzarovich #melissafeuchtinger #brennanleemulligan #strahdvonzarovich #magicthegathering #dungeonsdragons #logangriffin #alliemenelli #lindseyallen #natebuchman #davemetzger #daphnemiles #dimension20 #laurenmuir #samreigel #jonstrahd #ravenloft #sagaftra
I was listening to #WorldsBeyondNumber and I think @erikaishii is right - this is a great line and needs to be immortalized. The Fox is so very wise. #BrennanLeeMulligan @quiddie #LouWilson #TheFox #calligraphy #freedom
#freedom #calligraphy #thefox #LouWilson #brennanleemulligan #worldsbeyondnumber
A couple of zingers from the ArchDAIKON in The Ravening War. #d20 #Dimension20 #TheRaveningWar #d20TRW #calligraphy #BrennanLeeMulligan @dimension20show
#brennanleemulligan #calligraphy #d20trw #theraveningwar #dimension20 #d20
I love #DropoutTV and especially #BrennanLeeMulligan, so I would really like to know if they're going to continue supporting #Hasbro and #WotC by promoting their IP with #Dimension20. It feels like, post this latest Pinkerton scuff-up, that continuing to create #DnD content is not in line with the ethics espoused by the folks at Dropout.
#DropoutTV #brennanleemulligan #hasbro #wotc #dimension20 #DnD
There were a lot of amazing guests on the JoCo Cruise this year, and I got to take some pictures! 📷
Album includes @nnedi @scalzi #AabriaIyengar #BrennanLeeMulligan #DanteBasco #IfyNwadiwe #ErikaIshii #JoshGondelman #MarcEvanJackson #MegElison #TeresaMcElroy #TravisMcElroy #WilWheaton
See the whole album at
#aabriaiyengar #brennanleemulligan #dantebasco #ifynwadiwe #erikaishii #joshgondelman #marcevanjackson #megelison #teresamcelroy #travismcelroy #wilwheaton #jococruise #photography
I’m starting to think #brennanleemulligan has a Superman/Clark Kent situation for DM Brennan/Player Brennan all based around if he has a beard or not.
#brennanleemulligan #dnd #ttrpg #dimension20
An Inspiration of DMs ☺️ Check out my twitter to see the timelapses!
#CriticalRole #FanArt #Art #AabriaIyengar #BrennanLeeMulligan #MatthewMercer #ExUCalamity
#criticalrole #FanArt #art #aabriaiyengar #brennanleemulligan #matthewmercer #ExUCalamity
How could Brennan Lee Mulligan not be am absolute leftist and anti-capitalist? I mean, have you seen his initials?
#brennanleemulligan #dimension20
Erika Ishii is just.... I can't put into words how fun it is listening to having a great time and squeal and shout at Brennan and just generally be a little queer goblin. 11/10
#ErikaIshii #BrennanLeeMulligan #AabriaIyengar #LouWilson
#worldsbeyondnumber #erikaishii #brennanleemulligan #aabriaiyengar #louwilson
5 mins before my Wednesday night game, I panicked & thought I might need a general store in #Xhorhas.
Knowing my players don’t watch #actualplay , I quickly skimmed some #Dimension20 clips. That way, I could try my best to do a #BrennanLeeMulligan impression of Plug’s Butt Ugly Stuff Hut for some fun #NPC flavor.
Never came up, but now I’m too overconfident to not try it soon. #DnD #DnD5e #StarstruckOdyssey #ttrpg
#xhorhas #actualplay #dimension20 #brennanleemulligan #npc #DnD #dnd5e #starstruckodyssey #ttrpg