Zeistermagazine · @zeistermagazine
21 followers · 229 posts · Server mastodon.nl

Vier muzikanten speelden in de jaren ‘80 in verschillende Utrechtse bands, zoals Het Goede Doel. Nu spelen ze in Bres in een nieuw programma ‘Gemis’. Met hun luisterliedjes, pop, een beetje poëzie, een vleugje jazz, en dat alles om gemis te delen, staan ze met hun try-out op vrijdag 7 juli in het Torenlaan Theater.

Zie zeistermagazine.nl/gemis

#luisterliedjes #pop #poezie #jazz #tryout #bres #gemis #goededoel #hetgoededoel #band #torenlaantheater #zeistermagazine #zeist

Last updated 1 year ago

1. Neu-Kelte 💙💛🌻 · @NeuKelte
36 followers · 2225 posts · Server todon.eu

Ruadán was the son of . Before the second battle of Mag Tuired, Ruadán -siding with his father - came to spy upon the smith Goibniu and steal his magical secrets. Goibniu killed the lad, which caused his mother to invent the wild sound of keening to express her grief. For himself, Goibniu was able to heal his wounds by traveling to the sacred well on Slane Hill.
Source: P. Monaghan `Encyclopedia of and `
RT @DragonScented
Goibniu is the God of blacksmiths, weapon-makers, brewing, and is also associated with hospitality. Along with his smithing, Goibniu wa…

#Brigit #bres #celtic #mythology #folklore

Last updated 2 years ago

1. Neu-Kelte 💙💛🌻 · @NeuKelte
36 followers · 2225 posts · Server todon.eu

mac Éadaoine expected to be treated with the hospitality due a bard, but when he visited the royal residence at , he was shut into a stinking hut and fed nothing but stale bread. His satire on the stingy ruler mac Elatha raised sores on the king’s face. As a blemished king could not reign, Bres was forced to step down.
Source: P. Monaghan `Encyclopedia of and `
RT @Amylouioc@twitter.com
Irish myth tarot 13! The Hanged Man - Bres, a treacherous king of the Tuatha Dé Danann 🗡

#Cairbre #tara #bres #celtic #mythology #folklore

Last updated 2 years ago

1. Neu-Kelte 💙💛🌻 · @NeuKelte
36 followers · 2225 posts · Server todon.eu

The difficult labours king demanded of people such as the Dagda and , all the while depriving them of proper food, prompted angry talk. He didn`t supply feasts, entertainments and other expected gifts to his visitors. As the land began to suffer,
Bres was soon deprived of his kingship, but he bargained for another seven years.
Source: Wolf, Casey June “The Mythical Pairing of Brig and Bres”
RT @educatoral@twitter.com
I chose Bres because his father is Balor and he is super cool and he grew so quickly that by the age of seven he was the size of a 14-year-old. His wife was Brigid, daughter of the Dagda, and his son was Ruadan, who was killed by Goibniu. by Ryan @SaturnLunacy@twitter.com

#bres #Ogma #NameSaturnsMoons

Last updated 2 years ago

1. Neu-Kelte 💙💛🌻 · @NeuKelte
36 followers · 2225 posts · Server todon.eu

: is believed to be parallel or related to the continental god . The god was also very eloquent and a great poet. The unpopular king made the god collect firewood.

#mythologymonday #Ogma #celtic #ogmios #irish #bres

Last updated 2 years ago

1. Neu-Kelte 💙💛🌻 · @NeuKelte
36 followers · 2225 posts · Server todon.eu

As refused beer to mac Éadoine, the bard paid him back in kind, leveling a (literally) blistering satire at the king, which forced him to step down: “Without food upon a dish, without a cow’s milk on which calves grow, without a house in the gloomy night, without storytellers to entertain him, let this be Bres’s future.” Stung by the satire, Bres felt his face break out in boils. As a blemished king could not rule, Bres was driven from the throne.
Source: P. Monaghan `Encyclopedia of and `

#bres #Cairbre #celtic #mythology #folklore

Last updated 2 years ago

1. Neu-Kelte 💙💛🌻 · @NeuKelte
36 followers · 2225 posts · Server todon.eu

The actions of mac Elatha did not match the splendor of his countenance. As king of , he was so stingy that he would not light a fire in the great hall nor feed visitors anything but unbuttered crackers.
Source: P. Monaghan `Encyclopedia of and `

#bres #tara #celtic #mythology #folklore

Last updated 2 years ago

1. Neu-Kelte 💙💛🌻 · @NeuKelte
36 followers · 2225 posts · Server todon.eu

mac Elathan, son of Delbaeth, is according to tradition the inventor of the script. This `Son of Art` was not only extremely famous in the art of speech and poetry, but also an athletic `trénḟer`, a `power man`. In the battle of he fought on the side of the against and his .
Source: Helmut Birkhan `Die `

#Ogma #irish #Ogam #MagTuired #TuathaDéDanann #bres #Fomorians #Kelten #celtic

Last updated 3 years ago