10 minutes or more of injury time is going to he hard to take at 1 in the morning... #BRETOT
In der heutigen Startelf von #Tottenham gegen #Brentford ist übrigens nur noch 1 Spieler aus der Startelf des Champions League-Finales vor 4 Jahren: Heu-Min-Son. Mit Eric-Dier, Ben Davies und Lucas Moura sind noch drei weitere Spieler von damals im Verein. Zum Vergleich: bei #Liverpool sinds noch 6 Spieler aus der damaligen Startelf plus dem damals eingewchselten Joe Gomez - und natürlich Trainer Jürgen Klopp. #BRETOT #CHELIV #PremierLeague #MastodonFC
#tottenham #Brentford #liverpool #bretot #cheliv #PremierLeague #mastodonfc
Gut zu sehen bei #Tottenham, dass Postecoglou den Torschützen Romero wegen Verdachts auf Gehirnerschütterung sofort runternimmt, auch wenn der nicht will. #BRETOT #Premier League
Sonny simply looks right with that armband, oh Captain my Captain #coys #BRETOT #MastodonFC @spurs
I used to have a Vodafone SIM card but now I have a THREE ONE. #BRETOT #brentfordfc #spurs
Settled in for a full slate of Boxing Day matches. Missed the #BRETOT kick, but didn’t miss Son’s mask. Looks amazing! ⚽️
The first of the 10 hour long live games on Prime - #BRETOT was kinda entertaining. Now for a quick shower and snack prep for the 3pm kickoffs.
Main screen on the tv will be #LEINEW, I might switch between #SOUBHA and #CRYFUL on the iPad. #BoxingDay #PremierLeague
#bretot #CRYFUL #boxingday #LEINEW #SOUBHA #premierleague
What the fuck is raya doing? #BRETOT #PremierLeague #MastodonFC
#bretot #premierleague #mastodonfc
#Kane with the slowest bicycle kick of all time. #BRETOT #PremierLeague #MastodonFC
#kane #bretot #premierleague #mastodonfc
Cmon Ivan #Toney I know you got a #bet going to beat #tottenham #PremierLeague #BRETOT #MastodonFC
#toney #bet #tottenham #premierleague #bretot #mastodonfc
Spurs...have issues. How long does Conte have before his inevitable meltdown over transfers? #BRETOT
Ive seen #Spurs pull matches they should have lost out of their arses too many times this season to feel confident for #Brentford right now #BRETOT #PremierLeague
#spurs #Brentford #bretot #premierleague