I have to admire the anti-cancel culture warriors. The #NYT, in its infinite wisdom, has like ten or eleven opinion columnists. Two of them used to be married to each other: the awful #PamelaPaul and the egregious climate change denier, #BretStephens. So, the major paper in a nation of 350 million people decided an inbred conservative opinion page was just the thing for its subscribers. A sign that really, it doesn't give a fuck for its subscribers. I often wonder why I am one.
#nyt #pamelapaul #bretstephens
"This kind of channel will be more desperately needed in the future, as the unhinged #populism unleashed by #Murdoch sweeps everything in its path, from “establishment” #Republicans to, quite possibly, #Fox itself.
The shame of Rupert Murdoch is that he wasn’t the man to do it. It doesn’t mean it can’t be done." -#BretStephens/#NYT
#bretstephens #fox #republicans #murdoch #populism
"Murdoch's mid-90s opp was to build something the country genuinely needed, when the #GOP was moving away from the responsible optimism of the #RonaldReagan party toward the angry #populism of #NewtGingrich & Tom DeLay: an effective center-rt counterbalance to the libs: Burke, Hamilton, #Lincoln rather thn the debase direction of Andrew Jackson, Joe McCarthy, Pat Buchanan
...instead of surf'g a killer wave, he could've purchased a ship & steered it." #BretStephens/#NYT
#bretstephens #Lincoln #newtgingrich #populism #ronaldreagan #gop
20 Years On, I Don’t Regret Supporting the Iraq War
A few of the arguments for doing so are strong. Others, I think, are wrong. And one is dangerous, in ways that misshape our foreign policy debates today.
@murshedz And #BretStephens would write a #NewYorkTimes column calling jailing Hitler "liberal overreach."
The #NewYorkTimes has a disinformation problem. Unsurprisingly, this one began with #BretStephens, but it didn't end with him. https://www.commondreams.org/opinion/bret-stephens-masks-new-york-times
@JamesGleick And then they'd run a column by #BretStephens explaining why it's all legal and constitutional.
Every once in a while, #BretStephens publishes something as though just to remind me why I cancelled my subscription to the #NewYorkTimes.
RT @gregggonsalves
Once again, when a real health & science reporter weighs in @katiekings & #BretStephens come off looking obstinately & proudly ignorant. Thanks @hiltzikm! https://www.latimes.com/business/story/2023-02-24/covid-deniers-celebrate-a-study-that-claims-mask-mandates-dont-work-but-the-study-says-the-opposite
RT @gregggonsalves
Once again, when a real health & science reporter weighs in @katiekings & #BretStephens come off looking obstinately & proudly ignorant. Thanks @hiltzikm! https://www.latimes.com/business/story/2023-02-24/covid-deniers-celebrate-a-study-that-claims-mask-mandates-dont-work-but-the-study-says-the-opposite
We’re all guilty of confirmation bias, but #BretStephens really does take it to a new level, doesn’t he? His latest NYT column selectively reads a scientific paper on #MaskMandates. @kurteichenwald tweeted out some of errors. (I don’t normally cross-post from Twitter, but this seemed worthwhile.) https://twitter.com/kurteichenwald/status/1628427962243481601
@luckytran Actually, don't believe a word #BretStephens writes about *anything*.
This is crazy-making!
#BretStephens says in regards to gas stoves, "People should have a right to choose without state authorities making the choice for them."
What about a woman's right to healthcare?!? How does the "Right" not hear how ridiculous and duplicitous they sound?
Well articulated #bretstephens. https://www.nytimes.com/2022/11/29/opinion/trump-kanye-antisemitism.html?smid=nytcore-ios-share&referringSource=articleShare
Just when I thought I couldn't love #IlhanOmar any more than I already do.
#ilhanomar #bretstephens #nyt #jeremycorbyn