The Sixth Annual Old Dog Awards
While Michigan Tech’s season didn’t end the way anyone wanted, it was still a tremendous campaign. Them Dogs piled up
#Commentary #OldDoginTexas #TopNews #BlakePietila #BrettThorne #JackWorks #JakeCrespi #JoeShawhan #JordyMurray #KashRasmussen #KyleKukkonen #MaxVayrynen #OliverBezick #ParkerSaretsky #RyanO'Connell #RylandMosley #TopiHeiskanen #TylerShelast #TyroneBronte
#tyronebronte #tylershelast #topiheiskanen #rylandmosley #ryano #parkersaretsky #oliverbezick #maxvayrynen #kylekukkonen #kashrasmussen #jordymurray #joeshawhan #jakecrespi #jackworks #brettthorne #blakepietila #Topnews #olddogintexas #commentary
It’s OK To Breathe (I Think)
I don’t believe anyone saw this coming. I certainly didn’t, and I know that Joe Shawhan didn’t imagine it either. What is “this?” It’s the Huskies' elevated perch in the Pairwise Rankings and second place in the Central Collegiate Hockey Association (CCHA), only one point behind Minnesota State
#Commentary #OldDoginTexas #BlakePietila #BrettThorne #EvanOrr #JoeShawhan #KyleKukkonen
#kylekukkonen #joeshawhan #evanorr #brettthorne #blakepietila #olddogintexas #commentary