A fantastic (and fantastically overlooked) #espresso machine that can sometimes be found for $400 or less is finally getting the CoffeeGeek full review process. It's the #Breville Infuser. It's a Barista Express, sans the grinder (so you can use your own much better grinder!) First Look coming soon!
Can anyone who has one of those Breville Smart Oven things tell me what’s so great about it? We’ve had ours for a month and are completely underwhelmed, yet all I read are glowing reviews. What am I missing? #airfryer #breville #smartoven
#airfryer #breville #smartoven
(See alt text if you want)
#breville #repair #espressoMachine
#breville #repair #espressomachine
About to buy a new espresso machine for home. Breville dual boiler is acting up — overheating, steam coming out the back, water leaking… checking for models like Ascaso Steel Duo, Rocket Appartamento, Rancilio Silvia Pro X
#espresso #coffee #breville #ascaso #rocketAppartamento #RancilioSilvia
#espresso #coffee #breville #ascaso #rocketappartamento #ranciliosilvia
Jezebel: Sex. Celebrity. Politics. With Teeth: I Tried It: The Green Juice Martha Stewart Won't F*cking Shut Up About https://jezebel.com/i-tried-it-the-green-juice-martha-stewart-wont-fucking-1850157592 #Jezebel #hospitality2crecreation #medicinalplants #marthastewart #edibleplants #foodanddrink #pineapple #breville #smoothie #cucumber #celery #juicer #juice #foods
#jezebel #hospitality2crecreation #medicinalplants #marthastewart #edibleplants #foodanddrink #pineapple #breville #smoothie #cucumber #celery #juicer #juice #foods
The Pizza Romana Experience continues - this time with Burrata. The crust was pretty accurate this time - the only issue being that the #breville just isn’t large enough.
(Basically, the interior of the pizza romana is the key part for me -and there isn’t enough of it - as compared to pizza napoletana, where the crust is amazeballs…)
Coffee Talk: Breville/Sage Bambino Plus https://beesbuzz.biz/food/coffee/2132-Breville-Sage-Bambino-Plus #CoffeeTalk #Equipment #Espresso #Breville #Reviews #Food #Sage
#sage #food #reviews #breville #espresso #equipment #CoffeeTalk
The warranty replacement has arrived! I’ve missed my espresso SO MUCH! #espresso #americano #breves #breville #kcupssuck
#espresso #americano #breves #breville #kcupssuck
📌 TFW you spend the weekend getting high while conducting latte experimentation. ☕🦊🥼🧪 #espresso #breville #FoxBarista #PortafilterWizard Behold the Golden Milk-spresso and Boozy Coffee Eggnog Latte! 🦊🧙♂️☕
#espresso #breville #foxbarista #portafilterwizard
I got a #breadmachine and the first recipe I tried was WILDLY inaccurate. Only called for 1.5 Tbs of flour. I was skeptical, but I'm also quite literal, and thought perhaps French bread is different. After the third rise it was still a soupy slosh, so I threw it out, downloaded a new user guide from the website, and discovered that it should've been 2 cups of flour! No errata or mention anywhere online of the weird recipe!
#ActuallyAutistic #bread #KitchenExperiment #Breville #baking
#breadmachine #actuallyautistic #bread #kitchenexperiment #breville #baking
A question fitting a #mondaymorning :
People that use an #espresso machine, what made you stick with your current one? What was lacking in your previous one?
We have been using a second hand 2007-vintage #ranciliosilvia in our home, in combination with a #breville grinder. We decided that we don't need anything fancier or more complicated, as we exclusively drink darker, Italian style espresso and usually make a single shot at a time.
#breville #ranciliosilvia #espresso #mondaymorning