#Anchor Brewing is doing well with their effort to form a co-op and keep the #brewery open in #SanFrancisco, and I'm sure they could use more help.
#Anchor #brewery #sanfrancisco
Family was patient for a quick stop at Canmore Brewing.
Some angel on the line gave me a free can that was double labeled (a production mistake) that’s not officially released yet, “Mountain Dude”.
An epic citrus sour that has a faint resemblance of Mountain Dew.
TIL: a basic understanding of a Bright Tank.
Family vacation has commenced… long day travel is rewarded with an amazing strong IPA from #toolshedbrewery in #Calgary.
I’m a sucker for great branding and stories on the side of the can :P
#toolshedbrewery #calgary #ipa #beer #brewery
A #Czechia #Bulgaria collab #NEIPA with Talus and Sabro hops.
I was hoping to abstain from NEIPAs, but well...an interesting brew for sure.
Zajímavá neipička, doporučuju. Mají v Basecampu.
#pivo #beer #craftbeer #cerveza #bier
#Praha #Prague
#Czech #brewery #NOZIB + #Bulgarian Electric Brewing
#czechia #Bulgaria #neipa #pivo #beer #craftbeer #cerveza #bier #Praha #Prague #untappd #czech #brewery #nozib #bulgarian
Did you see this question about decoction mash equipment on the ProBrewer Discussion Board?
"We have 10 HL system. One of our recipes needs decoction mash. As grain volume is around 500 lbs. We are not sure how to pule 1/3rd of mash and boil it..."
Anyone have an answer? Here's the link to this question 👇
#brewery #craftbrewery #breweryequipment #craftbeer #breweries #craftbreweries
#brewery #craftbrewery #breweryequipment #craftbeer #breweries #craftbreweries
Here's something interesting on the ProBrewer discussion board ➡️ What is the preferred supply line on the high pressure side of CO2 delivery these days?
Rooh says: "I'm worried about the permeability of my braided vinyl tubing. What is better, I was thinking copper, but concerned about sanitizing it properly..."
Can anyone help? Here's a link to the post: https://discussions.probrewer.com/forum/probrewer-message-board/brewery-operations/stupid-stuff-q-a-available-for-sponsorship/
#brewery #craftbrewery #craftbeer #discussion
We did the brewery tour at Hofbräuhaus Traunstein today. Probably the best one we ever did, we got to see all the equipment (except packaging), including the open fermenters and the horizontal lagering tanks, and even had some great samples of beer afterwards.
#beer #bavarianbeer #brewery #brewerytour
The Roots by Maryensztadt Brewery, a Double West Coast #IPA purchased at my local beer shop.
Damned polish brewers! :)
Poláci vaří prostě! Průhledná dobrůtka.
#pivo #beer #craftbeer #cerveza #bier
#Praha #Prague
#MARYENSZTADT #Polish #brewery
#ipa #pivo #beer #craftbeer #cerveza #bier #Praha #Prague #untappd #maryensztadt #polish #brewery
Age of Simcoe by Chroust Brewery, a West Coast #IPA purchased at my local beer shop.
West coast + #Simcoe? Me gusta!
Průhledná, jehličnatá ipička, dobrota ze mě 😋
#pivo #beer #craftbeer #cerveza #bier
#Praha #Prague
#CHROUST #Czech #brewery
#ipa #simcoe #pivo #beer #craftbeer #cerveza #bier #Praha #Prague #untappd #chroust #czech #brewery
DISCUSSION: Innovative Ideas for Brewery Events: From Tastings to Tap Takeovers - this post on the discussion board covers creative event ideas such as:
🍺 Food and beer pairings
🍺 Tap takeovers and collaborative events
🍺 Seasonal and specialty beer releases
And more. It's posted by Tripleseat Software
#craftbeer #craftbrewery #craftbreweries #brewing #brewery #events #breweryevents
#craftbeer #craftbrewery #craftbreweries #brewing #brewery #events #breweryevents
Tonight, in-person, and in Tampa: Lean Beer for All Things Agile, happening at Cigar City Brewery! Networking starts at 6:30; “formal” Lean Beer discussion from 7 - 8; and some hanging out afterward!
#Tampa #TampaBay #meetups #lean #agile #LeanCoffee #LeanBeer #beer #brewery #brewpub
#tampa #tampabay #meetups #lean #agile #leancoffee #leanbeer #beer #brewery #brewpub
Archdaily : ÅBEN Brewery / pihlmann architects https://www.archdaily.com/1005549/aben-brewery-pihlmann-architects #IndustrialArchitecture #Brewery
#industrialarchitecture #brewery
NEWS: Tilray Deal Highlights the Rapid De-Evaluation of Craft Beer Brands
Tilray Brands just paid Anheuser-Busch an astonishingly low $85 million for eight AB-owned craft brands. That’s about $150 per barrel, a far, far distance from the height of the craft beer industry when brands sold as high as $1,000 per barrel only 6-8 years ago.
Read more about it here: https://www.probrewer.com/beverage-industry-news/commentary/tilray-deal-highlights-the-rapid-de-evaluation-of-craft-beer-brands/
#tilray #anheuserbusch #craftbeer #craftbrands #brewery #breweries
#tilray #anheuserbusch #craftbeer #craftbrands #brewery #breweries
Eskymo Welzl by Bubeneč Brewery, a Cold #IPA purchased at Basecamp beer shop.
Called after a Czech traveller and explorer.
Slušná ipička za mě.
#pivo #beer #craftbeer #cerveza #bier
#Praha #Prague
#Bubeneč #Czech #brewery
#ipa #pivo #beer #craftbeer #cerveza #bier #Praha #Prague #untappd #bubenec #czech #brewery
Great Australian Pods Podcast Directory: https://www.greataustralianpods.com/wellbrewd/
#GreatAusPods #AusPods #Podcast #Podcasts #Podcasting #Australia #Business #Drink #Brewery #Brewing
#greatauspods #auspods #podcast #podcasts #podcasting #australia #business #drink #brewery #brewing
🍺 NEWS: Beer Shipments Down 6.4% in June
The The Beer Institute released its estimate of domestic tax paid shipments by beer brewers for June 2023 which showed that shipments from domestic breweries were down 6.4% compared to last year. The June 2023 estimate is...
More here ➡️ https://zurl.co/NQQn
#thebeerinstitute #beernews #brewers #craftbrewers #brewery #breweries #craftbreweries #craftbeer #brewing #beverageindustry #beverageindustrynews
#thebeerinstitute #beernews #brewers #craftbrewers #brewery #breweries #craftbreweries #craftbeer #brewing #BeverageIndustry #beverageindustrynews
Visiting Brasserie de la Mule. A local #craftbeer #brewery in #Brussels located at Rue Rubens 95, #Schaarbeek 🍻 🌿
#craftbeer #brewery #brussels #schaarbeek