We are talking with Liz Webster of Save British Farming about food supply, food security and trade deals. #brexit #BrexitBritain
Yes for EU.
March and rally in Edinburgh next Saturday.
#YesForEU #ScotlandInEurope #ScottishIndependence #SNP #Greens #LabourForIndependence #SocialistSunday #Scotland #YesScotland #Edinburgh #BrexitBritain
#brexitbritain #edinburgh #YesScotland #scotland #socialistsunday #labourforindependence #greens #snp #scottishindependence #scotlandineurope #yesforeu
UK facing ‘brain drain’ of cancer researchers after failure to join EU scheme
Delay joining the #Horizon Europe programme making it more difficult to attract and retain the brightest scientists
@SydesJokes #Brexit #BrexitBritain
#brexitbritain #brexit #horizon
Sunak’s ‘stop the boats’ pledge has sunk to new depths – and it’s unworkable
Even though the Illegal Migration Bill is now law, making it work will be almost impossible
Viv Griffiths @SussexBylines @BylineTimes @SydesJokes
@EU_Commission And if you have been so stupid as to leave the EU you will have to pay every time you enter the EU. #BrexitBritain
That great poem by Michael Rosen.
Fascism: I sometimes fear...
#fascism #racism #xenophobia #BrexitBritain #MichaelRosen #RefugeesWelcome
#refugeeswelcome #MichaelRosen #brexitbritain #xenophobia #racism #fascism
An interesting and accurate analogy by Aditya Chakrabortty in The Guardian. Briton isn’t all smiles and wealth. It’s become a cesspool of corruption, destitution, greed, and sycophantism. Anywhere else in the world, the people would be in open revolt, but that’s just not British! Time to stare that portrait in the face.
#DorianGray #Economics #BrexitBritain
#brexitbritain #economics #doriangray
Britain’s economic malaise - https://on.ft.com/443ulCh via @FT
#brexit #brexitbritain
Australia is laughing at the new trade deal with the UK.
Great Britain now begging the former colonies for £s.
Don't worry, Sir Keir Starmer will fix it... or not.
#ToryShambles #brexitshambles #brexitbritain
#BrexitBritain "Nenio funkcias!!"(Esperanto for "Nothing Works!!") But I dont find it funny,Smelly Asses!! 3 Tory MPs Sollaway,Harte & Bim-Bíonn Afolami claimed Driving Offence tickets on Expenses,while #Braverman asked if u could on her 1st day as MP,according to William Wragg.#BravermansFinished
#brexitbritain #braverman #bravermansfinished
How @SuellaBraverman used a little-known, hard-right American group promoting “culture wars” to attack #Migrants, #Refugees, & #AsylumSeekers --- at potential cost of billions to #BrexitBritain....
...To promote her ambition to become Prime Minister
#migrants #refugees #AsylumSeekers #brexitbritain #brexitshambles
@phoenix I'm jealous even at the fact your trains run. #BrexitBritain #ToryParadise
Revolut’s co-founders have launched a blistering attack on the UK as a place to run a business, saying they wouldn’t consider listing in London.
The utter damage this #ToryFascistDictatorship will do before getting booted just gets worse. After a TWENTY FIVE year ban, the bunch of twisted dicks are dropping the ban on cosmetic #animaltesting.
#GTTO #TorySleaze #BrexitBenefits #BrexitBritain #EU
#eu #brexitbritain #Brexitbenefits #TorySleaze #gtto #animaltesting #ToryFascistDictatorship
@OrangeMenace @jackLondon @Walrus @harriettmb
Exactly @OrangeMenace they get their prue #brexit, if they get rid of the problem preventing them from achieving it - #NI!
No attention was paid to #NI during Brexit debate. I wish no harm upon our neighbours but I just don't want NI's future being dependent upon #BrexitBritain
It is time!
Interesting to see if this is taking off
If so, my work on updating the numbers here
Is key and yes, it is "in the works".
#brexitinquiry #brexitbritain #brexitreality
The UK's high inflation.
Brexit? Tory incompetence? A failed state?
#ScottishIndependence #YesScotland #BrexitBritain #Inflation #CostOfLivingCrisis
#Costoflivingcrisis #inflation #brexitbritain #YesScotland #scottishindependence
Ireland booms while Brexit Britain whimpers next door
While Joe Biden visits Ireland, Brexiteers said their closest EU neighbour would be “doomed” – now it’s set to be the top-performing economy in Europe this year
Millions of workers in Britain will be about £1,300 worse off a year due to Brexit, leading experts have said.
They highlighted the blow to people’s income, compared with what it would likely have been if the UK had not quit the European Union, its biggest trading partner. #brexit #brexitreality
#BrexitBritain https://www.standard.co.uk/news/politics/brexit-cost-uk-workers-lost-income-obr-institute-for-fiscal-studies-b1073578.html
#brexitbritain #brexitreality #brexit