Davis? The unelected bureaucrat Lord never stops banging his tiny drum for democracy. #BrexitDay
More details: https://www.thenational.scot/news/23260733.edinburgh-torch-lit-procession-holyrood-take-place-brexit-day/
Those post-Brexit plans, in full:
#brexit #article50 #brexitday #theresamay https://t.co/aWoQZWczgI
#brexit #article50 #brexitday #theresamay
#イギリスの欧州連合離脱 #Brexit #BrexitDay #ファンタジーfantasy #亜人 #人外娘 #擬人化 #British #flag #flaggirl #UnionJack #Union Jane #陰毛 #剛毛 #hairypussy #pubes #hairygirl #おっぱい #爆乳 #巨乳 #垂れ乳 #bigtits #titties #boobs #hangers #tiddies #tiddy #patriotism #nationalism #擬人化 #nationalembodiment #赤毛 #redhair #redhead #青い肌 #blueskin #MalcolmD #MalcolmDouglas
#陰毛 #剛毛 #イギリスの欧州連合離脱 #亜人 #擬人化 #hairygirl #tiddy #nationalembodiment #赤毛 #redhair #redhead #青い肌 #MalcolmD #brexit #brexitday #ファンタジーfantasy #人外娘 #british #flag #flaggirl #unionjack #union #hairypussy #pubes #おっぱい #爆乳 #巨乳 #垂れ乳 #bigtits #titties #boobs #hangers #tiddies #patriotism #nationalism #blueskin #MalcolmDouglas
So long...
RT @deAdder
Cartoon for @TorontoStar #BrexitDay #Brexit50p #Brexiteers #BrexitShambles
#brexitshambles #Brexiteers #Brexit50p #brexitday
RT @culttture@twitter.activitypub.actor
The United Kingdom has officially left the ailing European Union.
#BrexitCelebration #brexitreality #brexitday #brexit
David Bowie - Modern Love
#brexit #brexitday #pouetradio #tootradio #soundcheck
It is #BrexitDay and LibreSheets has reached "official" status. It has a project page on #GitLab¹ and my first things on my to-do-list will be selecting an open source license and seriously considering writing the program from scratch.
I've heard that I could use Flutter to have a single code base for all platforms (Linux, Windows, Mac, Android, iOS and even possibly the Web?) but it would mean it'll take langer for a first prototype.
#brexitday #LibreSheets #gitlab
RT @SkyNews@twitter.com
This is the moment the Union Flag was removed from the EU Council building in Brussels ahead of #Brexit.
Follow #BrexitDay live here: https://trib.al/QyaL545
Given that it’s such a depressing occasion I’m cheering myself up by re-upping this classic #BrexitDay
RT @GoldenVision90@twitter.activitypub.actor
Merkel looks like she’s DJing an absolutely sensational trance set. Johnson’s five pills in and claims he can “literally see the beat”.
Die Slogans von #BorisJohnson sind mehr als kesse Propagandasprüche. Sie sind Ausdruck einer Politik, die beschlossen hat, sich der vernünftigen öffentlichen Debatte zu entziehen. http://bit.ly/38TwRhR #BrexitDay
Gonna dive into Scottish and Irish literature now. F*ck you. #Brexit #Brexitday
Hope to be "able" to come back to some of my favourite places like the Globe theatre in London at some point during my lifetime. It's just wrong going there, while "UK" is not EU. #Brexit #Brexitday
Just for the record: F*ck you, Brexiteers. You're ruining not only your own country, but also my literary framework. Nearly everything I learned about literature & creative writing, I learned from English authors. Lots of my favourite authors are from the UK. Now I got the feeling, a huge part of my literary self got ripped out, bcs my role models "don't want to play with us any more". Yes, I know, lots of authors, artists & musicians are remainers. Nevertheless it hurts. #BrexitDay #Brexit
RT @moklick@twitter.com
🗞️ New project: Visualization of 2000+ yellow press covers about the Brexit https://www.zeit.de/politik/ausland/2020-01/brexit-britische-tabloids-grossbritannien-zeitungen-titelbilder #BrexitDay
RT @DumonteilTheo@twitter.com
Je viens de lire le script. La vidéo va être géniale. 👌
#Brexit #BrexitDay https://twitter.com/_JennRich/status/1114275340422193152
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/DumonteilTheo/status/1114279685742059521
RT @davidschneider@twitter.com
29th March 2019. #BrexitDay achievement checklist:
Free trade area massively larger than the EU ❎
Easiest deal in history ❎
40 trade deals ❎
Taking back control ❎
Strong global Britain ❎
Sunlit uplands ❎
International laughing stock ✅
Unparalleled national catastrofuck ✅