More #BrexitReakity:
As the EU introduces rules to deter imports that have high #emissions profiles (prompting new compliance requirements at the border) & a new VAT regime requires VAT to be paid in the EU by firms delivering services from outside, the British Chambers of Commerce have found the majority of firms neither really know about the new regulations nor are preparing for them.
Yes, as we diverge from the EU (as #brexiters wanted) so exporting to the bloc will become more difficult!
#brexitreakity #emissions #brexiters
On one hand, the continued uncertainty about #farm support payments ins a concern as #foodsecurity slowly works its way up the political agenda...
On the other, many #remainers will take some solace from a key group (and round here a very publicly active group) of #brexiters - #farmers - have found that the sunny uplands have failed to materialise (as they were warned they wouldn't).
#farm #FoodSecurity #remainers #brexiters #farmers
No doubt some #brexiters will delight at the the #German economy's problems.
But, we shouldn't forget while Germany's once in a generation political economic shock was the integration of the East (which continues to pattern its economy), the UK's was an act of willful obstruction of access to its key market.
Germany has many issues to deal with, not least the impact of an #energycrisis on #manufacturing, but if I had to bet on which would recover more easily, I wouldn't put money on the UK!
#brexiters #german #energycrisis #manufacturing
Yebbut BlowJob Got Brexit Done, therefore this is not and cannot be Brexit, so the only explanation is a Tory mandated crippling of the economic competitiveness of the UK.
Unless it's part of a masterly climate - addressing policy of deliberate degrowth?
#brexit #border #projectfear #brexitreality #brexiters
And once again the post #Brexit #border checks (most recently intended to start in October), are to be put back as the Govt. worries about their inflationary impact....
As I've said before, its now clear that #projectfear was actually #Brexitreality, whereas the promises the #Brexiters publicly pushed have turned to ash.... isn't about time someone was held to account for this sh*tshow?
#brexit #border #projectfear #brexitreality #brexiters
@Mooster oh great. So when my KTM bike goes wrong, it's now going to be more difficult to get parts to repair it.
Cheers #brexiters.
@GeofCox @pvonhellermannn
Gilets Jaune sociology can be compared to UK red-wall #Brexiters/Johnson-voters. The core of the movement was lower-middle class with a lifestyle which is strongly dependent on cheap enough energy (house rather than flat, hence farther from work/services and commuting by car) and with a fear of relegation towards the "banlieue" (partly ghettoised blocks of flats, much more mixed ethnic/religious backgrounds).
as it happens, I was on a pre-referendum panel with a couple of minority-ethnic #Brexiters & this was *exactly* their argument for #Brexit - to shift the origin of #migrants back to non-EU countries.....
Alistair Campbell sums up the current state of #Brexit:
'Despite the propaganda in rightwing press, people have just wised up to the fact that what was promised has not been delivered & what we were told wouldn’t happen has happened'!
The end result of a politics built on lies is that reality bites you in the bum... #Brexiters are having to tell more & more convoluted stories (including the classic, 'this isn't the Brexit we voted for') to make sense of things.
This is a difficult one for the #Lexiters, who wanted to exit the EU because it was so 'neoliberal' but then colluded with the #Brexiters to enhance the power of the rentier elite over the UK's economy.... the Lexiters really were 'useful idiots'!
I'm sure the #Brexiters will find some other reason to self-exclude from the European research community. on the basis its European... incidentally, it looks like such 'generosity' will not be extended to the space programme (from which the UK & UK based contractors are currently excluded) - there the UK would have to pony up the whole contribution to re-enter.
#brexit #brexiters #conaervatives #farage #conservativesarecorrupt
Just waiting for the wrecksiters to complain about #sunak trade deal as they did of Turkey joining the #EU
#eu #Sunak #conservativesarecorrupt #farage #conaervatives #brexiters #brexit
@KimSJ @JaneAgain @matticolley
Perhaps if we had proportional representation instead of the crazy FPTP, politicians wouldn't be that afraid of upsetting #Brexiters.
I'd love to be able to vote with conviction and enthusiasm again before I die. I've only done it once, in 1977, in Spain. Since then, my vote has only been cast 'to stop something worse'.
On the impact of #Westminster’s English nationalism on the political discourse in #Scotland and how Scotland is being held hostage by the dominance of the English nationalist ideology in #UKPolitics.
#Brexit #Tories #Brexiters
#westminster #scotland #ukpolitics #brexit #tories #brexiters
#Brexiters denied that the cause of issues at #Dover were due to #Brexit! They also denied that April the 1st was 'April fool's' day!
#Diver delays: 1st it was the #French causing delays, then the weather & finally a lot more traffic, especially coaches! According to #Brexiters & so I have been told, #Tory papers. Not one word that #Brexit meant that 'All passports' have to be scrutinized & stamped! That's what this #Brexit government insisted had to be done! No truth, as usual.
#diver #french #brexiters #tory #brexit
Yes, that's a great point which given the age profile of some #Brexiters will only become more true as the debacle continues to cause the UK's problems
The #WindsorFramework marks a positive turning point for EU-UK relations. It amends the text and provisions of the #NorthernIreland protocol without changing the fundamentals of the 2019 withdrawal agreement.
#Brexit #Brexiters #RishiSunak #UKPolitics
#windsorframework #northernireland #brexit #brexiters #rishisunak #ukpolitics
Now that the UK has "taken back control" British babies will have more arsenic in their food than EU babies. #Brexiters #Brexit #Tories
Six things Brexiters voted for and got the complete f**king opposite
#Brexiters #Brexit #BrexitDisaster
#brexiters #brexit #BrexitDisaster