📢 Scotland's Brexit Report reveals the damage inflicted by EU exit. From economic setbacks to shattered relationships, this eye-opening article lays bare the true toll. 🌐💔 #BrexitImpact #ScotlandEUExit #MovingForward
Check it out:
#MovingForward #scotlandeuexit #brexitimpact
POLITICS, EUROPE, shows this UK media ignores it!
"UK petition demands public inquiry into impact of Brexit
Petition demanding inquiry set to be debated in UK parliament next month"
An another event for your calendar.
"Economic Impact of Brexit"
22/03/23 6.30pm - 9.00pm (GMT)
UK in a changing Europe
A petition launched by Leeds for Europe, calling on the government to hold a public inquiry into the impact of Brexit, has reached 100,000 and will be debated in parliament | Peter Packham
#Brexit #BrexitImpact #BrexitPetition
#brexit #brexitimpact #brexitpetition
We call upon the Government to hold a Public Inquiry into the impact of Brexit
Please Sign & Share the petition ( petition.parliament.uk/petitions/6282…)
#BrexitImpact #BrexitRecession
#brexitimpact #brexitrecession