@rbreich Labour party Since the past(Corbyn:::) always "Shortage" fear to affront the problem,no minimun courage when uk people was slidiing in a deep crisis ,after the last war-#BrexitIsNotWorking and They are scared to ,and able--Just :#indifferent...bla,bla,bla.Is my opinionπ€
#brexitisnotworking #indifferent
This is all so depressingly predictable, and was predicted right from the start of this ridiculous project. Brexiters told leavers they just needed to think more positive thoughts. And here we are now. #BrexitIsNotWorking https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/brexit-doomed-boris-johnson-economy-b2263675.html
Who knew that people told they were not welcome would feel actually not welcome? #BrexitIsNotWorking https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2023/jan/17/shortfall-of-330000-workers-in-uk-due-to-brexit-say-thinktanks?CMP=share_btn_tw
@mammutsapiens #BrexitIsNotworking #BrexitCarnagrejoingEUe πͺπΊ π
#brexitisnotworking #brexitcarnagrejoingeue