Just 224 farmers were paid under post - #Brexit farming scheme last year | Farming | The Guardian
#brexit #brexittorycon #ToryLies
The government has signed a £200,000-a-year contract with a *disaster response* charity established by the former head of Britain’s armed forces to help drivers stuck in lorry queues in Kent.
@NEBylines #ToriesAreUnfit2Govern #LeaveLiedAndBrokeTheLawAndAreNowTheUKgov continuing in the same greed-driven vein as they’re incapable of behaving decently & honestly 4the good of all
dragging everyone further down daily
#GeneralElectionNow #RejoinSM2023 #RejoinEU asap as in 2016 #63percentOfElectDidntVoteLeave so NEVER THE WILL OF THE PEOPLE-just a #BrexitToryCon #4ToryDonorGainAtOurExpense
#ToriesAreUnfit2Govern #leaveliedandbrokethelawandarenowtheukgov #generalelectionnow #rejoinsm2023 #RejoinEU #63percentofelectdidntvoteleave #brexittorycon #4torydonorgainatourexpense