Boris breaks silence to deliver lacklustre critique of Rishi’s deal - John Crace
Sunak decides the protocol sucks and the single market is great, after all - John Crace
#windsorframework #brexituplandshahaha #nip #Sunak
Forbes doubles down and torpedoes SNP chances. Pass the idiot pills! - John Crace
#brexituplandshahaha #nfu #pow #forbes #snp
Rish! delays his Irish border fudge after Brexiter meltdown
John Crace
#brexituplandshahaha #johnson #Sunak #erg #nip
Revealed: secret cross-party summit held to confront failings of Brexit
The Brexit alarm keeps going off – the Stephen Collins cartoon
Given a chance to cheer Tories’ economic failure, Hunt is nowhere to be seen - John Crace
#13YearsToryMisrule #Hunt #IMF #BrexitUplandsHahaHa #BrexitBenefits
#brexitbenefits #brexituplandshahaha #imf #hunt #13yearstorymisrule
Steve Bell on bad news about the UK’s economic prospects
#13yearstorymisrule #Sunak #brexituplandshahaha
The Brexiters are getting their bonfire of EU law – and democracy will lie in the ashes
Rafael Behr
#Sunak #brexituplandshahaha #Brexit
Chris Riddell
#Sunak #12YearsToryMisrule #2023 #BrexitUplandsHahaHa
#brexituplandshahaha #12yearstorymisrule #Sunak