Oh goodness! My #Halloween #Breyer haul arrived today and I'm so happy that my two blind bags were the exact two (of three) stablemates that I wanted!
More (better) pics later!
Super excited that #Breyer opened their Halloween store today, including this year and last year's Classic size Halloween horses.
This year's horse is on the Malik mold, which was my first conga. So I HAD to pick him up. Not to mention, he's a Cadu horse!
LE, but got my order in!
For #Blaugust2023 today, I talk about my second #Breyer traditional conga, which I started when my #Halloween horse arrived!
#blaugust2023 #breyer #halloween
For #Blaugust2023 today I've written about my first #Breyer #horse conga on a traditional mold!
This year's #Breyer #Halloween Collector #Horse has arrived - Spectre!
I preordered him months ago, and can't wait to get his glow-in-the-dark self out of this box for better pictures!
One of my longtime hobbies are the customizing of model horse objects Breyer is one of the more common toys to work on.
The pale "Nanuq" is a mix of two models, painted in acrylic and his mane and tail are made of merino wool.
The spotted Appaloosa mare beside him is a Breyer Performance Horse that I named "Tiddlywinks".
#breyer #modelhorse #custom #customtoy #creative #art
For today's #Blaugust2023 post, I discuss how I'm learning to up my game in taking photos of my #Breyer models - with a photo light box!
For #Blaugust2023 today, I introduce my first #Breyer #horse conga! What is a Breyer conga? Read to find out!
For today's #Blaugust2023 post I talk about how some pre-owned #Breyer horse models need a little TLC when they arrive... and I've done to fix them!
For #Blaugust2023 today I write about what it was like to attend my first virtual #Breyerfest2023 #Breyer #Horses
#blaugust2023 #breyerfest2023 #breyer #horses
#Secretariat 50th Anniversary - #Breyer
While I wasn't intending to pick him up, he was on a really good Prime Deal... so...
I'm almost tempted to leave him in the box. It's such a nice design.
What do you think? Free the pony or not?
Tomorrow, I'm heading to #Breyerfest2023 - which is like a fanfest for #Breyer model #horse collectors!
#Blog #Blogging
#breyerfest2023 #breyer #horse #blog #blogging