Marketing protip: if your company is a robotics manufacturer, try not to intentionally or accidentally have your marketing materials reference #scifi stories about dystopian AI futures.
#scifi #brianaldiss #marketing
Gonna do one of those "here is a list of all my general nerdery" toots:
(Part One: Authors)
#maryshelley #hgwells #edgarallanpoe #edgarriceburroughs #arthurconandoyle #saki #mrjames #jsheridanlefanu #isaacasimov #brianaldiss #arthurcclarke #alandeanfoster #dcfontana #JamesBlish #iainbanks #iainmbanks #WilliamSBurroughs #allenginsberg #dianeduane #timothyzhan #michaelamartin #andymangels #unamccormack #bookodon #mastodon #booktoot
A Kickstarter by Wendy Aldiss on a photobook on her father, the writer Brian Aldiss.
"This book, beautifully designed and ready to print, contains a selection from the 9,000+ images I took of all my father’s things. There is a foreword by celebrated British novelist Christopher Priest and an essay by cultural sociologist Dr Margaret Gibson."
#kickstarter #writers #books #sff #brianaldiss