#PoornaJagannathan in #Wolves
#BrianaMiddleton & #LindyBooth in #Metropolis
#SinkingSpring added 6
Apple Studios Directors Program launched
#sinkingspring #metropolis #lindybooth #brianamiddleton #wolves #PoornaJagannathan
#LindyBooth is set to star opposite #BrianaMiddleton in #Metropolis, #SamEsmail's upcoming sci-fi series for #AppleTVPlus. Booth will play Maria.
#appletvplus #samesmail #metropolis #brianamiddleton #lindybooth
#BrianaMiddleton has been cast to star in #Metropolis, #SamEsmail's upcoming dystopian sci-fi series.
Middleton will play the lead role of Finnie Polito, a new character that did not appear in Lang's film.
The series, inspired by #FritzLang’s classic 1927 film, depicts a dystopian futuristic world ruled by a wealthy elite while workers toil underground.
#fritzlang #samesmail #metropolis #brianamiddleton
Film Review: SHARPER (2023): Benjamin Caron’s Film is Interesting and Has Plenty of Surprises and Tricks Up Its Sleeve
#FilmBook #MovieReview #A24 #AlessandroTanaka #Apple #BenjaminCaron #BlaiseCorrigan #BrianGatewood #BrianaMiddleton #DorisMcCarthy #GiullianYaoGioiello #HannahDunne #JohnLithgow #JulianneMoore #JusticeSmith #MovieReview #PatrickCooley #Ph
#filmbook #moviereview #a24 #alessandrotanaka #apple #benjamincaron #blaisecorrigan #briangatewood #brianamiddleton #dorismccarthy #giullianyaogioiello #hannahdunne #johnlithgow #juliannemoore #justicesmith #patrickcooley #ph
#AppleOriginalFilms hosted the world premiere of #SharperMovie today in London.
Stars #JulianneMoore, #SebastianStan, #JusticeSmith, #BrianaMiddleton, director #BenjaminCaron, and more attended the event.
The film premieres in theaters February 10, and on #AppleTVPlus February 17.
#appletvplus #benjamincaron #brianamiddleton #justicesmith #sebastianstan #juliannemoore #sharpermovie #appleoriginalfilms
Official Trailer — Sharper
#JulianneMoore, #SebastianStan,,, and #BrianaMiddleton star in #Sharper—a psychological thriller in select theaters February 10 and streaming February 17 on Apple TV+
#sharper #brianamiddleton #sebastianstan #juliannemoore