Marvel Grrrl · @marvelgrrrl
13 followers · 57 posts · Server

In hindsight this is really interesting. Had Betsy indeed faught like her life is cheap and allowed Brian to kill her, then she would have been lost forever (or brought back “different”).
Also, I am still very confused why Rogue didn’t keep •--|A|--•‘s powers. When she put Carol Danvers in a coma she kept those powers forever. She killed •--|A|--•… so shouldn’t she still be blue?

#mastodonmarvelites #excalibur #xmen #apocalypse #captainbritain #morganlefay #rogue #betsybraddock #brianbraddock

Last updated 1 year ago

Marvel Grrrl · @marvelgrrrl
13 followers · 56 posts · Server

I’m going through all of these just to reread my comics, and the one I was most excited about this week was vol. 4 #6.
This ish has a lot of great character moments, and sets up the feel and themes of the rest of the ’s run.
Best of: and being intimate, while Rogue confesses she doesn’t want kids. finally becoming an interesting character and dealing with trauma. •--|A|--• and Jamie bonding over their mutual psychopathy.
Worst of: That cover.

#excalibur #tinihoward #rogue #gambit #brianbraddock

Last updated 1 year ago

Nautile Bleu · @nautilebleu
217 followers · 1671 posts · Server