It's a giant for The Woods by
Oakbound Studio
on #kickstartercampaign
#giant #warhammer #fantasy #ageofsigmar #oldhammer #brianfroud #faeries #darkcrystal #LabyrinthMovie #labyrinth
#kickstartercampaign #giant #warhammer #fantasy #ageofsigmar #oldhammer #brianfroud #faeries #darkcrystal #labyrinthmovie #labyrinth
So this happened. If you're a fan of #BrianFroud and his work on #DarkCrystal and #Labyrinth...
#fantasy #faery #fairy #giant #wargaming #oldhammer #warhammer #theoldworld
#brianfroud #darkcrystal #labyrinth #fantasy #Faery #fairy #giant #wargaming #oldhammer #warhammer #theoldworld
And now for something a little different.... I'd totally forgotten this scene. Froud and Henson literally play mix'n'match with puppet parts until the penny drops for Sarah.... and of course the songwriting is the Starman his own self.
David Bowie, Henson, Froud, and company, "Chilly Down" from _Labyrinth_. May your Wednesday be chill.
#nowplaying #music #bowie #henson #brianfroud
I posted something similar on .lol when I joined there, so I'll do the same here. I find the #introduction posts quite lovely.
#pansexual #nonbinary #transmasc #scifi #fantasy #dnd #papercraft #scrapbooking #creativeJournaling #snailmail #fountainPens #books #metroidvania #castlevania #sotn #bloodstained #journeyGame #stardewValley #FFXIV #discoElysium #pokemon #cats #fairies #brianFroud #fae #folklore #cryptids #spirituality #martialArts #piano #edvardGrieg #theater #animation #camelCase #griefProcessing #日本語
#introduction #pansexual #nonbinary #transmasc #scifi #fantasy #dnd #papercraft #scrapbooking #creativejournaling #snailmail #fountainpens #books #metroidvania #castlevania #sotn #bloodstained #journeygame #stardewvalley #ffxiv #discoelysium #pokemon #cats #fairies #brianfroud #fae #folklore #cryptids #spirituality #martialarts #piano #edvardgrieg #theater #animation #camelcase #griefprocessing #日本語
Musicians and poets of genius were sometimes stolen away by the Aes Sidhe (People of the Hill) for their talents, forced to entertain the #fairy throng at one of their endless balls, and then discarded when the fickle Good Folk had had their fill.
Generally, one discarded by the fairies pined for the beautiful land left behind and died not long after returning to mortal life.
Source: P. Monaghan `Encyclopedia of #Celtic #Mythology and #Folklore`
“I come from the Land of the Living, where there is neither death, nor sin, nor transgression.
We partake of feasts perpetual.
In a large hill we dwell, and hence we are called Aes Sidhe (People of the Hill)”
- Echtra Condla, #Irish #12thCentury
Image: #BrianFroud
#fairy #celtic #mythology #folklore #irish #12thcentury #brianfroud
Sur une idée de @francois6po
Thème du jour : Voyage.
Grand classique du cinéma de fantasy, "Dark Crystal" est un merveilleux voyage en imagination. C'est aussi à mes oreilles l'une des partitions les plus mémorables du genre, une véritable féerie symphonique composée par Trevor Morris. "The Landstriders' Journey" en offre un aperçu court et épique.
#cinéma #musique #ost #darkcrystal #fantasy #brianfroud #trevormorris #jimhenson
#nostemberchallenge #cinema #musique #ost #darkcrystal #fantasy #brianfroud #trevormorris #jimhenson
I've been finding the #introduction posts really helpful, so here goes:
#pansexual #nonbinary #transmasc #scifi #fantasy #dnd #papercraft #scrapbooking #snailmail #fountainpens #books #metroidvania #castlevania #sotn #bloodstained #journeygame #pokemon #cats #fairies #brianfroud #fae #folklore #cryptids #spirituality #martialarts #piano #edvardgrieg #theater #performance #animation
#introduction #pansexual #nonbinary #transmasc #scifi #fantasy #dnd #papercraft #scrapbooking #snailmail #fountainpens #books #metroidvania #castlevania #sotn #Bloodstained #journeygame #pokemon #cats #fairies #brianfroud #fae #folklore #cryptids #spirituality #martialarts #piano #EdvardGrieg #theater #performance #animation