In turn, the positive ranking:
#linustorvalds #linus
#opensource #linux #debian #opensuse #gnome #unix #foss #mastodon #fediverse #fsf #eff #libreoffice #nextcloud #tutanota #protonmail #signal #matrix #AlmaLinux #RockyLinux #kenthompson #dennisritchie #briankernighan #linustorvalds #linus
Hard to whittle that down to 7, on the bubble:
- The C Programming Language #BrianKernighan #DennisRitchie
- The Crucified God #JurgenMoltmann
- The Upside Down Kingdom #DonaldKraybill
- The Little Schemer #GeraldSussman
- Think and Grow Rich #NapoleonHill
- The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind #JulianJaynes
- Strength to Love #MartinLutherKing
#briankernighan #dennisritchie #jurgenmoltmann #donaldkraybill #GeraldSussman #napoleonhill #julianjaynes #MartinLutherKing
›They Have Played Us #Programmer|s for Absolute #Fool|s‹
🏷️ #Lisp #Scheme #CommonLisp #CPP #Rust #DennisRitchie #BrianKernighan #BjarneStroustrup #CLang #Rustacean #MetaProgramming #Risitas #JohnMcCarthy #Unix #Pipes #Segfault #NullPointer #UndefinedBehaviour #GarbageCollection #MemoryManagement #BellLabs #ObjectSystem #FunctionalProgramming #Syntax #Rustaceans #MemorySafety #ElRisitas #CLOS #AMOP
#programmer #fool #lisp #scheme #commonlisp #cpp #rust #dennisritchie #briankernighan #bjarnestroustrup #clang #rustacean #metaprogramming #risitas #johnmccarthy #unix #pipes #segfault #NullPointer #undefinedbehaviour #garbagecollection #memorymanagement #belllabs #objectsystem #functionalprogramming #syntax #rustaceans #memorysafety #elrisitas #clos #AMOP
Claude Shannon, such a genius.
(Source: from the book Unix a history and a memoir, by Brian Kernighan)
#claudeshannon #unixahistoryandamemoir #briankernighan
Unnoticed by myself for three years. Hmm. Thanks for fixing this.
Kernighan, Brian W.: Unix: A History and a Memoir. Amazon, 2019. -- ISBN 978-1-69597-855-3
The greatest programmers of all time are #AdaLovelace, #AlanTuring, #GraceMurrayHopper, #JohnBackus, #DorothyVaughan, #KenThompson, #DennisRitchie, #BrianKernighan, #RichardStallman, #EricSRaymond, #SteveWozniak, #JohnCarmack, #LinusTorvalds, #TimBernersLee, and #JohnMastodon.
#adalovelace #alanturing #gracemurrayhopper #johnbackus #dorothyvaughan #kenthompson #dennisritchie #briankernighan #richardstallman #ericsraymond #stevewozniak #johncarmack #linustorvalds #timbernerslee #johnmastodon
The greatest programmers of all time are #AdaLovelace, #AlanTuring, #GraceMurrayHopper, #JohnBackus, #DorothyVaughan, #KenThompson, #DennisRitchie, #BrianKernighan, #RixhardStallman, #EricSRaymond, #SteveWozniak, #JohnCarmack, #LinusTorvalds, and #JohnMastodon.
#adalovelace #alanturing #gracemurrayhopper #johnbackus #dorothyvaughan #kenthompson #dennisritchie #briankernighan #rixhardstallman #ericsraymond #stevewozniak #johncarmack #linustorvalds #johnmastodon
Unix legend, who owes us nothing, keeps fixing foundational AWK code - Enlarge / Brian Kernighan speaking at a tribute to his Bell Labs cowork... - #briankernighan #biz&it #github #tech #unix #awk #git #c#
#c #git #awk #unix #tech #github #biz #briankernighan
Cool! 🙂 Published on 17 August 2022.
Welcoming back the legend that is Professor Brian Kernighan! Professor Brailsford invites Brian for coffee and a chat."
#computers #software #awk #briankernighan
Woohoo. The book by Brian Kernighan about UNIX has arrived, in time for some holiday reading. 😃
I flipped through the book and saw the photo of his Bell Labs badge and I had to laugh.
#ComputerHistory #Computing #OperatingSystems #Unix #BrianKernighan
#computerhistory #computing #operatingsystems #unix #briankernighan