@queerscifi Since I read a lot of translated stuff, I like it! There was an amazing graphic novel series from #BrianKVaughan called Barrier that centers around people attempting to cross the US-Mexico border, with those from either side of the border only speaking their own language. So if the reader only speaks one of the languages, they kind of get the same experience as the characters, having to figure out purely from context and visual cues what is being said. It's quite brilliant.
Holy wow, Humble is doing an #Image Leading Ladies #comics bundle w/ #Monstress, #Saga, #PaperGirls, #BitchPlanet & more for a pay-what-you-want donation to Binc!! (although we know Fedi isn't cheap)
This is hundreds of $$ worth of e-comics so don't sleep on it folks😲
#BrianKVaughan #MarjorieLiu #KellySueDeConnick #FionaStaples #GraphicNovels #GraphicNovel #ImageComics
#image #comics #monstress #saga #papergirls #bitchplanet #briankvaughan #marjorieliu #kellysuedeconnick #fionastaples #graphicnovels #graphicnovel #imagecomics
Comic des Monats: Februar 2023: Saga 10
#CrossCult #Saga #BrianKVaughan #FionaStaples #Alana #Comic #ComicdesMonats #Comicbook #Comicbuch #Comics #Hazel #Meinung #lesen #Unterhaltung #Review #Rezension #Krieg #Wertung #Test #Testbericht #Tests #Flucht
#crosscult #saga #briankvaughan #fionastaples #alana #comic #ComicDesMonats #comicbook #comicbuch #comics #hazel #meinung #lesen #unterhaltung #review #rezension #krieg #Wertung #test #testbericht #tests #flucht
Willkommen zurück
#Saga #BrianKVaughan #FionaStaples #Alana #Bombazine #Comic #Comicbook #Comicbuch #Comics #CrossCult #DerWille #Gwendolyn #Hazel #Lesen #Meinung #Review #Rezension #Soapopera #SOAP #Wertung #Lesenswert #ScienceFiction #Drama
#saga #briankvaughan #fionastaples #alana #bombazine #comic #comicbook #comicbuch #comics #crosscult #derwille #gwendolyn #hazel #lesen #meinung #review #rezension #Soapopera #soap #Wertung #lesenswert #sciencefiction #drama
#HitchhikersGuide #DouglasAdams​
#Shannara #MagicKingdom #TerryBrooks​
#Inheritance #ChristopherPaolini​
#ButcherBird #RichardKadrey​
#TheExpanse #JamesSACorey​
#RiteOfPassage #AlexeiPanshin​
#LockeAndKey #JoeHill​
#Saga #BrianKVaughan​
#HisDarkMaterials #PhilipPullman​
#1984 #GeorgeOrwell​
#AWrinkleInTime #MadeleineLEngle​
#StrangerInAStrangeLand #RobertHeinlein​
#Fahrenheit451 #RayBradbury​
#WatershipDown #RichardAdams​
#hitchhikersguide #douglasadams #shannara #magickingdom #TerryBrooks #inheritance #ChristopherPaolini #butcherbird #richardkadrey #theexpanse #jamessacorey #riteofpassage #alexeipanshin #LockeAndKey #joehill #saga #briankvaughan #hisdarkmaterials #philippullman #georgeorwell #awrinkleintime #madeleinelengle #strangerinastrangeland #robertheinlein #fahrenheit451 #raybradbury #watershipdown #richardadams
Here are ten more
The Sympathizer - #VietThanhNguyen
The Peripheral - #WilliamGibson
Deacon King Kong - #JamesMcBride
Saga - #FionaStaples & #BrianKVaughan
The Ministry of the Future - #KimStanleyRobinson
The Book of Dust - #PhilipPullman
Cutting For Stone - #AbrahamVerghese
The Lexicon of Musical Invective - #NicolasSlonimsky
Pachinko - #MinJinLee
The Orphan Master’s Son - #AdamJohnson
Black Swan Green - #DavidMitchell
#DavidMitchell #adamjohnson #minjinlee #nicolasslonimsky #abrahamverghese #philippullman #kimstanleyrobinson #briankvaughan #fionastaples #jamesmcbride #williamgibson #VietThanhNguyen
Six books to get to know me, #comics and #GraphicNovels edition:
"#Promethea" by Mick Gray, #AlanMoore, J.H. Williams III
"Fables" by Bill Willingham and Mark Buckingham (Illustrator)
"Saga" by #BrianKVaughan and #FionaStaples
"How to Be Ace: A Memoir of Growing Up #Asexual" by #RebeccaBurgess
"This Vacant Body" by #Reapersun, T. Zysk
"BL Metamorphosen - Geheimnis einer Freundschaft" by Kaori Tsurutani and Nadja Stutterheim (Translator)
#comics #graphicnovels #promethea #alanmoore #briankvaughan #fionastaples #asexual #rebeccaburgess #reapersun #books #reading #6books #bookstodon
I finished #reading "Saga Vol. 10" by #BrianKVaughan and #FionaStaples. Very well written.
Would have loved some trigger warnings actually 😶​and I cried at the end. As is tradition.
#Comics #ScienceFiction #SciFi
#reading #briankvaughan #fionastaples #comics #sciencefiction #scifi