"Let Me Love You" is a song recorded by French DJ and #electronicMusic producer #DJSnake featuring vocals from Canadian singer #JustinBieber. The song was released through #InterscopeRecords on 5 August 2016 as the third single from his debut studio album, #Encore (2016). The artists both co-wrote the song along with #AndrewWatt, #AliTamposi, #BrianLee and #LouisBell, while the song's production was handled by DJ Snake, Bell and Watt.
#electronicmusic #djsnake #justinbieber #interscoperecords #encore #andrewwatt #alitamposi #brianlee #louisbell
Kotaku: The Switch Has Its Own Dollar Store Last Of Us Knock-Off https://kotaku.com/switch-the-last-of-us-clone-ps4-ps5-last-hope-dead-zone-1850606552 #gaming #tech #kotaku #singleplayervideogames #nintendoswitch #nintendoeshop #invideogaming #naughtydog #brianlee #nintendo
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #singleplayervideogames #nintendoswitch #nintendoeshop #invideogaming #NaughtyDog #brianlee #nintendo