Celebrating the 50th anniversary of #QueenBand 's album: #QUEEN (July 1973 for U.K., Sept. 1973 for U.S.)
This band needs no introduction; they forged a very unique and fascinating path to become the quintessential jack of the trades in rock music, like none other.
Scan from superseventies com.
keywords #FreddieMercury #JohnDeacon #RogerTaylor #BrianMay #progressiverock #heavymetal #glamrock #1970s #rockmusic
#queen #rockmusic #1970s #glamrock #heavymetal #progressiverock #brianmay #rogertaylor #JohnDeacon #freddiemercury #queenband
Astrophysicist/environmentalist Dr Brian May to release a book of 3D images of #asteroid #Bennu
#inspiring #goodnews #songoftheday
since we can´t find much QUEEN on Mastodon, lets add
🎥🎵➡️ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PB3RbO7updc
= #BohemianRhapsody at a #TEDtalk
dedicating it to
AND #Rockstar
#SirDrBrianMay´s recent BIRTHDAY
and add an article found by @TheMetalDog (thank you!):
➡️ https://www.express.co.uk/entertainment/films/1785779/Bohemian-Rhapsody-2-Brian-May-Freddie-Mercury
#Queen are #givingback a lot to #fans & #communities, even today. #BrianMay
#yesWEAID #humanitarian #liveunited #TEDtalk #tunetuesday #wewillrockyou #news
#tunetuesday #News #WeWillRockYou #LiveUnited #humanitarian #yesweaid #brianmay #communities #fans #givingback #queen #sirdrbrianmay #rockstar #philanthroph #scientist #astronomer #tedtalk #bohemianrhapsody #SongOfTheDay #goodnews #inspiring
Gizmodo: Astrophysicist (and Queen Guitarist) Brian May to Co-Author Asteroid Atlas https://gizmodo.com/queen-guitarist-brian-may-asteroid-atlas-bennu-1850670610 #daniellamendozadellagiustina #planetarydefense #nearearthobject #dantelauretta #rogertaylor #paulrodgers #environment #101955bennu #162173ryugu #osirisrex #hayabusa2 #brianmay #asteroid #hammer #queen #nasa
#daniellamendozadellagiustina #planetarydefense #nearearthobject #dantelauretta #rogertaylor #paulrodgers #environment #101955bennu #162173ryugu #osirisrex #hayabusa2 #brianmay #asteroid #hammer #queen #nasa
A héten már kapható a Queen gitárosának 3D-s asztrofizikai atlasza Sir Brian May asztrofizikusként aktívan közreműködött a Bennu kisbolygót feltérképező OSIRIS-REx küldetésben. https://qubit.hu/2023/07/24/a-heten-mar-kaphato-a-queen-gitarosanak-3d-s-asztrofizikai-atlasza #kisbolygókutatás #bennuaszteroida #OSIRIS-REx #kisbolygó #brianmay #tudomány #Bennu
#kisbolygokutatas #bennuaszteroida #osiris #kisbolygo #brianmay #tudomany #bennu
Queen guitarist and astrophysicist Brian May to release 3D atlas of asteroid
The rocker astrophysicist is co-author of a three-dimensional atlas of Bennu, an asteroid explored by the Osiris-Rex probe in 2020
#RidiculousRock #RecordReviews Podcast - Episode 278 - #GunsNRoses - Use Your Illusion II: https://player.fm/series/ridiculous-rock-record-reviews/episode-278-guns-n-roses-use-your-illusion-ii
The #EddieTrunk Podcast - Interview with #Queen's #BrianMay: https://player.fm/series/the-eddie-trunk-podcast-59879/brian-may
#TheWitchingHour Podcast with #PattiNegri - #TiffanyEllinger’s Halloween Emporium and Haunted Tea Room: https://podcasts.google.com/feed/aHR0cHM6Ly9mZWVkLnBvZGJlYW4uY29tL3dpdGNoaW5naG91cnBvZGNhc3QvZmVlZC54bWw/episode/d2l0Y2hpbmdob3VycG9kY2FzdC5wb2RiZWFuLmNvbS8xZGQ3YWQ5My0zYzE2LTMyZjgtYTIxYi00OWQyNWM5Mzg2ZGI?sa=X&ved=0CAUQkfYCahcKEwjgsIuLqqCAAxUAAAAAHQAAAAAQAg
(4 of 4)
#tiffanyellinger #pattinegri #theWitchingHour #brianmay #queen #eddietrunk #gunsnroses #recordreviews #ridiculousrock
"Now I'm Here" is a song by the British #rock band #Queen. Written by lead guitarist #BrianMay, it was the sixth song on their third album, #SheerHeartAttack (1974). The song is noted for its hard riff and vocal harmonies. In the UK, the song reached #11 on the charts when released as a #single in 1975. The song was a live favourite, performed at virtually every concert from late 1974 to 1986.
#rock #queen #brianmay #sheerheartattack #single
76 years ago today, Brian May, British rock guitarist (Queen - "Bohemian Rhapsody"; "We Are The Champions"), born in London, England
Happy birthday to #BrianMay, born 19 July 1947.
#MastoArt #onthisdayinmusic #freddiemercury #queen #brianmay
Si te gusta el grupo #Queen te recomiendo este podscat, una entrevista a #BrianMay, componente de Queen. ¡Una gran entrevista!
Queen tiene unas cuentas canciones "extrañas". Idas de olla, que dan lugar a composiciones peculiares.
Son canciones que las amas o las odias. Aqui tenemos un ejemplo:
The prophets song. Canción que dura más de 8 minutos, con bastantes cambios de ritmo que parecen no conducir a nada.
Si la escuchas por primera vez y soportas la parte del "Listen yo the wise" y lo que viene despues, tienes mi admiración!
Pertenece al álbum "A night at the opera", en el cual está Bohemian Rhapsody tambien. Lo cual indica que estaban en un momento de creatividad absoluta.
#queen #freddiemercury #rogertaylor #brianmay #johndeacon
"Save Me" is a song by the British rock band Queen from their 1980 album #TheGame. Written by #guitarist #BrianMay, it was recorded in 1979, and released in the UK on 25 January 1980, nearly six months prior to the release of the album. "Save Me" spent six weeks on the #UKSinglesChart, peaking at number 11. It was the band's first single release of the #1980s. The #powerBallad was played live from 1979 to 1982 and was recorded for their live albums.
#thegame #guitarist #brianmay #uksingleschart #1980s #powerballad
Una de las interpretaciones más emocionantes que he visto de Queen.
Ojo al solo de guitarra y piano a partir del 2:40.
#queen #freddiemercury #brianmay #rogertaylor #johndeacon
Cuenta dedicada a comentar sobre la música que me gusta, en especial sobre Queen.
#queen #freddiemercury #brianmay #rogertaylor #johndeacon
Sir Brian May 🎸
#queen #queenband #therhapsodytour #brianmay #rogertaylor #adamlambert #concert #concertphotography #livemusicphotography #singer #guitarist #canon #canonphotography
#queen #queenband #therhapsodytour #brianmay #rogertaylor #adamlambert #concert #concertphotography #livemusicphotography #singer #guitarist #canon #canonphotography