Heat warning: Today could feel like hottest ever :
“In terms of what we can issue, we are at the highest level,” Pine said in a year that has shattered records all over Florida."
#BrianMcNoldy #CameronPine #ExcessiveHeatWarning #feelslike #heatindex #NationalWeatherService #SeaSurfaceTemperature
#Miami #news
#brianmcnoldy #cameronpine #excessiveheatwarning #feelslike #heatindex #nationalweatherservice #seasurfacetemperature #miami #News
Florida waters hit hot tub levels :
"We've never seen a record-breaking event like this before," meteorologist Jeff Masters said.
#BrianMcNoldy #EvergladesNationalPark #FloridaKeys #JeffMasters #ManateeBay #RosenstielSchool #SeaSurfaceTemperature #YaleClimateConnections
#Miami #news
#brianmcnoldy #evergladesnationalpark #floridakeys #jeffmasters #manateebay #rosenstielschool #seasurfacetemperature #yaleclimateconnections #miami #News
Too hot to work? Miami advances heat safety law :
The vote on the first-of-its-kind measure came as the area hit a record 38th day in a row where the heat index -- the ‘feels like’ temperature -- was 100 degrees F or hotter.
#BrianMcNoldy #ClimateChange #DaniellaLevineCava #employer #extremeweather #GregAbbott #Heat #heatindex #JoeBiden #KionneMcGhee #Miami #OSHA #safety #VirginiaKey #worker
#Miami #news
#brianmcnoldy #climatechange #daniellalevinecava #employer #extremeweather #gregabbott #heat #heatindex #JoeBiden #kionnemcghee #miami #osha #safety #virginiakey #worker #News
PODCAST: Heat wave – “There's never been anything like this.” :
“I'd say there's very low confidence in seasonal forecasts this year,” McNoldy said.
#BrianMcNoldy #ClimateChange #computermodel #ElNino #GenZ #heatindex #Hurricane #NOAA #RosenstielSchool #sealevelrise #seasurfacetemperatures #UniversityofMiami
#Miami #news
#brianmcnoldy #climatechange #computermodel #elnino #genz #heatindex #hurricane #noaa #rosenstielschool #sealevelrise #seasurfacetemperatures #universityofmiami #miami #News
Record setting heat worrying scientists :
"We are in uncharted territory and we can expect more records to fall," said WMO director of climate services Christopher Hewitt. "This is worrying news for the planet."
#BrianMcNoldy #ClimateChange #coralbleaching #coralreef #GlobalWarming #GulfofMexico #Heat #NOAA #SaharanDust #WMO
#Miami #news
#brianmcnoldy #climatechange #coralbleaching #coralreef #globalwarming #gulfofmexico #heat #noaa #saharandust #wmo #miami #News
Much of the ocean is getting really hot. No one knows why. :
On social media, instead of trading selfies, scientists are posting screenshots of ocean heat maps and wonky-looking charts and tables of thermal history.
#AtlanticOcean #BrianMcNoldy #Caribbean #ClimateChange #current #ElNiño #GlobalWarming #Hurricane #NickShay #RosenstielSchool #SeaSurfaceTemperature #SST #TropicalStorm
#Miami #news
#atlanticocean #brianmcnoldy #caribbean #climatechange #current #elnino #globalwarming #hurricane #nickshay #rosenstielschool #seasurfacetemperature #sst #tropicalstorm #miami #News