Dave T-W · @davoloid
148 followers · 1703 posts · Server qoto.org

One thing I have discovered is , a website where you can look up any part, any set, and see the components list, add it to your collection, find replacements, find what set it's from.

Amazing. For a few special parts where we can't find it or it's broken (e.g. this spindly gymnastics bar) we will see if we can buy them from that marketplace. Any tips from existing Bricklink buyers are welcome.



Last updated 1 year ago

Dave T-W · @davoloid
148 followers · 1703 posts · Server qoto.org

One thing I have discovered is , a website where you can look up any part, any set, and see the components list, add it to your collection, find replacements, find what set it's from.

Amazing. For a few special parts where we can't find it or it's broken (e.g. this spindly gymnastics bar) we will see if we can buy them from that marketplace. Any tips from existing Bricklink buyers are welcome.



Last updated 1 year ago

John Manoogian III · @jm3
85 followers · 730 posts · Server trunk.lol

Incredibly embarrassing to learn that to 90% of people* now means “copy instructions to make replicas of the world’s biggest media franchise Stars War” and not “combine a bunch of modular minute pieces all slavishly sorted and color coded in the most male fashion imaginable to make whatever perverse building or scenario your twisted mind can imagine.”

(to the other 10%* it means “dorky kids toy”)

#lego #bricklink #legos #starwars

Last updated 1 year ago

Marcel Bootsman - #WCEU · @mbootsman
1165 followers · 3656 posts · Server toot.re

Tijdens mijn afwezigheid in Athene, zijn er drie orders binnengekomen in mijn winkel bij
Ze liggen nu klaar om verzonden te worden.

Kijk hier eens of er voor jou ook wat tussen zit: store.bricklink.com/mbootsman&

#lego #bricklink

Last updated 1 year ago

Jake Mix · @jakemix
89 followers · 33 posts · Server dice.camp

Just tried out Bricklink to fill out which Technic pieces we have (especially the "holey bricks") and wow! Feels like a super power to not need to build our collection with the standard sets.

#legos #bricklink

Last updated 1 year ago

Marcel Bootsman 🇺🇦 · @mbootsman
1130 followers · 3641 posts · Server toot.re

Gisteren de eerste order in m'n shop ontvangen.

WIl je ook rondsnuffelen voor leuke sets / onderdelen?

Hier eens hier: store.bricklink.com/mbootsman&{%22sort%22:0,%22pgSize%22:100,%22itemType%22:%22S%22,%22showHomeItems%22:0}

#bricklink #lego

Last updated 1 year ago

Marcel Bootsman 🇺🇦 · @mbootsman
1120 followers · 3400 posts · Server toot.re

Op zoek naar ?
Kijk eens in mijn shop: store.bricklink.com/mbootsman&{%22sort%22:0,%22itemType%22:%22S%22,%22showHomeItems%22:0}

30 setjes staan er op een nieuwe eigenaar te wachten, allemaal in zeer goede staat, met instructies.

#lego #bricklink

Last updated 1 year ago

cybard · @hagbard
169 followers · 1584 posts · Server corteximplant.com

@SteineimWeltall es wurde reingegangen und ich bin recht zufrieden 😍

#startrek #picard #lasirena #bricklink #moc

Last updated 1 year ago

Marcel Bootsman 🇺🇦 · @mbootsman
1120 followers · 3285 posts · Server toot.re

Vanaf zojuist heb ik een winkeltje waarin alle LEGO die we willen verkopen komt te staan. Geheel in stijl met de Bootsman Enterprise Naming Conventions (Italiaans) is het Mattoni geworden. Italiaans voor stenen.

Zo kunnen we de setjes lekker te koop laten staan, en zijn ze voor de liefhebber goed te vinden.

De komende dagen alle sets toevoegen en verzendopties/kosten instellen.



Last updated 1 year ago

In spite of the problems with *gestures at everything*, I love living in the future. I'm currently building a LEGO model that I've always wanted but am too poor to ever own completely for free digitally. It's not as satisfying as having it in hand, but the joy of building it is real and pure.

#lego #bricklink #starwars #legostarwars

Last updated 2 years ago

My boy is right now designing his own moc with studio 2.0 bricklink.com/v3/studio/downlo

Quite impressed how good he can already handle the UI with the and

#lego #bricklink #mouse #keyboard #design #bricks #brick #art

Last updated 2 years ago

Aaron Kuhn · @DialupDownload
80 followers · 56 posts · Server hachyderm.io

Bulk Bin forensics trick!

You have a bin chunk you found. Doesn't match the manuals - no obvious set number on it. Did someone create this or is it another potential set?

"Appears In" relationships to the rescue!

Here we have a cylindrical magnet, blue 2-finger plate + 3-finger plate.

Enter these into "Appears In" tool and - 2 results!

Hey, that rocket looks familiar, I have that chunk here too! *removes hoses because they were added*

Bingo - we may have Set 6898!

#lego #bricklink

Last updated 2 years ago

Aaron Kuhn · @DialupDownload
80 followers · 56 posts · Server hachyderm.io

If you remember my chunk of a forklift I didn’t know what it was. Well sometimes the answer is obvious like a license plate with the set number. 4201 on shows a matching set and yep this looks right. I have no interest in this set so I sacrifice the chunk back to the bulk where it might be able to contribute a part to something else if we need it.

#lego #bricklink

Last updated 2 years ago

Aaron Kuhn · @DialupDownload
80 followers · 53 posts · Server hachyderm.io

Lunchtime bin processing - time to make Wanted Lists. A wanted list on Bricklink allows you to track the parts you have for a set so you know what you have and what you don't.

To do this, find the set number in question and select "Part Out" under My Wanted List. Follow it through, do this for every set you think is in the bin.

Eventually you'll have a collection of lists. I recommend naming the Wantlist with the set #, status of your project, and where you're storing it.

#lego #bricklink

Last updated 2 years ago

David R :antiverified: · @davidr
221 followers · 1805 posts · Server hachyderm.io

The little question mark in the Paid column links to info on what values it can take on, such as "Pending" etc. Still nothing on where to stick the money.

The is utterly baffling and I'm not sure I'd want to use it again.

#bricklink #ux

Last updated 2 years ago

David R :antiverified: · @davidr
221 followers · 1804 posts · Server hachyderm.io

You tell me. How do I pay this "awaiting payment" order?

(Clicking the order number brings me to a PDF of the invoice that has a bunch of personal info so I didn't screenshot that. Still no "click here to pay".)

I assume I don't pay by attempting to update the status to "Paid"....?

#ui #ux #design #lego #bricklink

Last updated 2 years ago

David R :antiverified: · @davidr
221 followers · 1803 posts · Server hachyderm.io

WTF is going on with ? I placed an order and said I wanted to use . I got a "please wait for invoice", then an invoice emailed to me. Status is "waiting for payment".

Where do I click to make a payment? There's literally nothing that says "click here to send money". Nothing on the site, the order or the invoice.

Why is there not a big blinking red light that says "PUT MONEY HERE"?

#bricklink #PayPal #lego #ui #ux #design

Last updated 2 years ago

jensu · @jensu
205 followers · 367 posts · Server camp.smolnet.org

Jaha, är visst nere i -träsket igen... Började bygga ett julset i mellandagarna med @helen efter typ tre år utan Lego-lust, och nu bygger jag plötsligt äldsta barnets skola. Hej , snart måste jag köpa fler bitar.

#lego #bricklink #wip

Last updated 2 years ago

Michael :kt_be: :swi_swi: · @catboot
37 followers · 168 posts · Server swiss.social
Michael :kt_be: :swi_swi: · @catboot
37 followers · 167 posts · Server swiss.social