The Rise of #BRICS and the Fall of the G20 – A Son of the New American Revolution http://about:reader?
Malaise à la TV Russe: « c'est la guerre la plus dure de notre histoire » :
Margarita Simonian ne doit pas employé le mot guerre. Va-t-elle être empoisonné par Poutine !?
80% de la production mondiale de pétrole désormais contrôlée par les Brics ? Non :
#brics #afriquedusud #iran #russie
Indonesia Expands De-Dollarization Efforts With National Task Force Formation - Indonesia’s central bank has established a national task force to expand the use o... - #indonesiade-dollarization #indonesialocalcurrencies #bankindonesia #economics #indonesia #asean #brics
#brics #asean #indonesia #economics #bankindonesia #indonesialocalcurrencies #indonesiade
Brazil shows how it can be done
#climatechange #climatecrisis #energytransition #greenenergy #renewableenergy #BRICS #Brazil #electricity #CO2
#co2 #electricity #brazil #brics #renewableenergy #greenenergy #energytransition #climatecrisis #climatechange
Listening to episode number 189, talking about #BRICS #India
and the diplomatic spat, china vs india's govt over border issues that popped off right after the summit. ...and the fallacy of the alleged unified bloc.
UAE to witness ‘growing enthusiasm’ for investment opportunities after BRICS invite
> the #UAE’s involvement in #BRICS is “expected to have a profound impact on the business environment” in the country.
Mit dem jüngsten #BRICS-Beschluss, sieben neue Mitglieder aufzunehmen, darunter ausgerechnet Iran und Saudi-Arabien, werden künftig 80 Prozent der weltweit geförderten Öl- und Gasvorkommen in BRICS-Ländern gewonnen.
Well color me shocked that nobody wanted a common currency with #Russia. 😱
New OpEd in @politico on why BRICS don’t go full in on offshore reform despite having the means to do so. #offshorefinance #brics #corruption #usdollar
#usdollar #corruption #brics #offshorefinance
Dr. #RonPaul - Will #BRICS Smash the #Dollar?
BNY Mellon: US Dollar’s Global Reserve Status Safe Despite BRICS Expansion - The Bank of New York Mellon has provided insights into why the growth of the BRICS... - #bnymellondollarreservecurrency #dollarreservecurrency #usdollardominance #bnymellonbrics #bricsexpansion #economics #bnymellon #usdollar #brics
#brics #usdollar #bnymellon #economics #bricsexpansion #bnymellonbrics #usdollardominance #dollarreservecurrency #bnymellondollarreservecurrency
🇮🇳 India’s bid to champion the Global South could help it prevent #Brics from becoming an anti-Western alliance while rivalling #China’s 🇨🇳 aim to be a “de facto leader” of the bloc. "#India seems to be trying to get what it can from both sides, instead of committing itself completely to either camp”
#brics #China #india #spacepolitics
America Is an Empire in Decline. That Doesn’t Mean It Has to Fall.
It can seem that the United States is following the course of all empires: doomed to decline and eventual fall. America, it’s true, will never again enjoy the degree of global economic and political domination it exercised in the decades after the war. But it can, with the right choices, look forward to a future where it remains the world’s pre-eminent nation.
#BRICS For everyone's information. #AntiGlobalism
Battle of BRICS Versus Globalists Escalates - YouTube
Sorgen die #BRICS dafür, dass die #USA sich nicht verschulden können?
#kritik #oekonomie #usa #brics
In the new CounterVortex #podcast we pour cold water on the #BRICS lovefest, noting the new inflammation of the ongoing #China-#India border dispute. Big ups to our new supporters on Patreon! Please join them, dear listener......
L'élargissement des Brics, l'aube d'un nouveau monde ? -- Alessandro VISALLI
Alessandro Visalli, architecte et docteur en aménagement du territoire, travaille depuis de nombreuses années dans le domaine des sciences du territoire et de l'environnement. Depuis 2013, il développe une lecture pluridisciplinaire de la crise avec une orientation marxiste. Il a étudié l'école de la dépendance et la théorie du système mondial, et a écrit des livres à ce sujet. Ses derniers ouvrages (non encore traduits en français) sont Dipendenza. Capitalismo e transizione multipolare (...)