Star Trek : #StrangeNewWorlds..... #StarTrek meets Rebecca '#Newt' Jordan, meets an older #JinkxMonsoon (if only!), meets #JRRTolkien, meets #PriscillaQueenOfTheDesert, meets #Slipknot, meets #BrideOfChucky, meets dodgy wigs, meets laughable prosthetics, meets terrible #GreenScreen, meets atrocious dialogue...... and yet still utterly cool though!
#strangenewworlds #startrek #newt #jinkxmonsoon #jrrtolkien #priscillaqueenofthedesert #slipknot #brideofchucky #greenscreen #scifi
@RichTate I love all of the #ChildsPlay and #Chucky movies, with the exception of 2 and 3, but thatβs because I canβt remember the last time I watched them. The first film, #BrideOfChucky, #CurseOfChucky and #CultOfChucky are the best in my opinion.
Did you watch the #ChildsPlay remake? I thought this one was a lot of fun and a pretty cool take on the #Chucky doll.
#cultofchucky #curseofchucky #brideofchucky #chucky #Childsplay
Der vierte Chucky-Film #BrideOfChucky ist ein befremdliches Puppentheater, er erzΓ€hlt aber aus einem Zeitalter in dem praktisch jeder Film von Nu-Metal getragen war, Rob Zombie praktisch jeden Titelsong beisteuerte, jeder Film dazu neigte ein Roadmovie sein zu wollen und die Teenie-Romanze das absolute Nonplusultra an der Kinokasse war. Chucky und seine Braut atmen so stark den Geist der 90er, dass man das Ding doch irgendwie mΓΆgen muss.
Ich habe #BrideOfChucky (1998) mit 5/10 auf #IMDb bewertet.
Child's Play 3 (1991)
This month on @heydidyouseethisone we're re-opening The Grimoire of Familiar killers early starting with Child's Play 3 (1992). Catch us LIVE on Twitch ( at 9:15 PM EST on a special Thursday (March 2nd) edition.
#childsplay3 #chucky #brideofchucky #horror #comedy #adventure #grimoireoffamiliarkillers #heydidyouseethisone #comedy #podcast #filmreview #movies #films #moviereviewpodcast #moviereview #explorepage
#childsplay3 #chucky #brideofchucky #horror #comedy #adventure #grimoireoffamiliarkillers #heydidyouseethisone #Podcast #filmreview #movies #films #moviereviewpodcast #moviereview #explorepage