Anyway, those are my thoughts on Bride of Habaek. The good. The bad. The spoilery.
What were yours?
#KDrama #BrideOfHabaek #BrideOfTheWaterGod
#kdrama #brideofhabaek #brideofthewatergod
One of the things I would have liked to be handled differently was Moo Ra’s arc. In that she barely has one?
Don’t get me wrong, she’s an interesting character. It’s just… The biggest “shift” in her character is more about us realizing her motivations were more complex than they seemed.
But once we get where she’s actually coming from about the situation, not much changes.
But that’s not a huge deal.
#brideofhabaek #brideofthewatergod #kdrama
Before, I had thought that a lot of the other stuff could be culled from the show.
I’ve since changed my mind. This is what I meant by not being the intended audience.
I was significantly more interested in the backstory and lore than the love polyhedrons. However, for many, that’s the point and this was the icing. (And it’s very good icing, IMO. Enough to keep me around.)
But that’s a different convo I need to unpack one day.
The final two episodes, for me, were great. Like hit so many emotional beats perfectly.
The discovery with her father, the realization implications of both his death *and* him being stuck in the water.
The way that what happened *was*, in the end, what Habaek was meant to do.
And honestly how this was all lead up to even in the “petty arguments”. It fit together very well.
#kdrama #brideofhabaek #brideofthewatergod
So… I finally finished Bride of Habaek/Bride of the Water God.
Some spoiler-free thoughts before I get into the meat of it.
One realization is that I’m not the intended audience —and to be clear, this isn’t a bad thing.
For starters, that’s true by default. (In many contexts.) Related to that, is the fact that me not being the intended audience doesn’t mean I won’t get anything out of it.
And I did. I especially liked… Well… spoilers ahead.
#kdrama #brideofthewatergod #brideofhabaek
Today is a very distracted brain day, so I'm watching this veeeeery slowly, in case anyone is wondering why it's taking me multiple hours to complete a 1hr 23min episode. :blobcatfingerguns:
I'm about halfway through. :blobcatpopcorn:
#kdrama #brideofthewatergod #brideofhabaek
I wonder who else saw Gap Dong before they saw this, and as such were surprised to see the father being so legitimately selflessly kind.
One of those: "the actor has range, tyvm" moments.
#kdrama #brideofthewatergod #brideofhabaek #gapdong
Okay but the acting in this episode. The very meaty emotional conflict and interpersonal growth.
I actually teared up.
One episode doesn't feel like enough for all this. It's got so much good though?
#kdrama #brideofthewatergod #brideofhabaek
There's a *lot* of plot going on in this final episode.
Like, maybe should have had more groundwork laid before. It's also legitimately interesting plot, rather than throwaway plot being thrown at the wall for extra finale drama.
Like, the setup was there since the first episode, but it felt somewhat forgotten. This is kinda making me want to rewatch it at some point, to see if that holds water.
#brideofthewatergod #brideofhabaek
Not gonna lie, up until about 25 minutes before the end of episode 15, I was having a hard time being invested in the relationship drama. Probably bc it had been a while since I watched so I was tossed right into that mess.
Basically it wasn't until CEO Sin tells Habaek about humans being lonely from birth that things got engaging again. Habaek being openly vulnerable like that is A++. Would have liked it sooner.
#kdrama #brideofthewatergod #brideofhabaek
I have some free time today before tonight’s game. Let’s see if I can finish Bride of Habaek. In its place will be The Ghost Bride — which I’m also almost done with.
#BrideOfHabaek #BrideOfTheWaterGod #TheGhostBride #KDrama #TDrama #MDrama
#brideofhabaek #brideofthewatergod #theghostbride #kdrama #tdrama #mdrama
So I’m very close to the end of Bride of Habaek/Bride of the Water God. So what did I do?
Rewatch episodes of Sweet Home and Hwayugi, and speed run through mini-dramas. Okay, one— though I’m still going through the other.
The one I did finish was a very disappointing Cdrama. To be fair, the episodes had 3 minutes each to work with. That said, vampire shows with no biting are frustrating.
Washing my mouth out with Sweet Blood.
#KDrama #CDrama #SweetHome #SweetBlood #BrideOfHabaek #Hwayugi
#kdrama #cdrama #sweethome #sweetblood #brideofhabaek #hwayugi
Up to episode 12, but it's way too late to be up watching stuff. 😅 I didn't realize it was already 5.
The next few days might get busy so I'm not sure when I'll next get to it.
I will say, I'm not entirely sure how the plot is going to resolve. Like I have some assumptions, but I'm not sure if it'll actually work out. :blobcatthink:
#brideofthewatergod #brideofhabaek #kdrama
I’ve finally caught up with where I was in Bride of Habaek. And progressed.
Things are heating up plotwise. :blobcatpopcorn:
#brideofthewatergod #brideofhabaek #kdrama
Late night laundry, so time to catch up a bit on Bride of Habaek/the Water God.
#kdrama #brideofthewatergod #brideofhabaek
@norgralin I think I’m going with Bride of the Water God bc , of the two, that garnered the most comments.
So it’s settled, my watchlist is:
• Doom at Your Service
• Bride of the Water God /Bride of Habaek
• The Untamed
#KDrama #CDrama #DoomAtYourService #BrideOfHabaek #BrideOfTheWaterGod #TheUntamed #CQL
#kdrama #cdrama #doomatyourservice #brideofhabaek #brideofthewatergod #theuntamed #cql