Bridge Constructor Medieval (Full Levels Gameplay) [Amazon Games] via @YouTube
#BridgeConstructorMedieval #AmazonGames #BridgeConstructor #ASUSVivoBook
#bridgeconstructormedieval #amazongames #bridgeconstructor #asusvivobook
Fifth: Bridge Constructor Portal
I so want to like the Bridge Constructor games. I just don't. This is the third I've tried, after Walking Dead and Medieval. It has the tone right for Portal, but it's too long for each incorrect test. And it takes far too much fiddling to get it right.
#bridgeconstructor #portal #TourmaGaming #gaming
The Walking Dead: Bridge Constructor is free on the Epic Games Store right now: Grab it! I reviewed it on Steam a little while ago and it's pretty fun: #linux #linuxgaming #epicgamesstore #egs #walkingdead #bridgeconstructor
#linux #linuxgaming #epicgamesstore #egs #bridgeconstructor #walkingdead