#Skwawkbox | #Starmer’s #Labour abstains on Bridgen’s #AntiTrans bill
The leader of the opposition shows himself to be on the wrong side of history again by whipping his party into abstaining from voting on #Bridgen's anti-trans bill.
Fortunately MPs voted against the bill.
#bridgen #antitrans #labour #starmer #SKWAWKBOX
Andrew #Bridgen expelled from the #Tory Party
No loss even for the Tory Party.
#RegnoUnito #Commons
Il deputato Andrew #Bridgen è stato espulso dai #CON|Centro-destra, dopo che all'inizio di quest'anno aveva affermato che "il programma di vaccinazione contro il COVID è stato il più grande crimine contro l'umanità dall'Olocausto".
#regnounito #commons #bridgen #con
(2) #denksport #wereldtop
..Piet Jansen en Jan Westerhof (1993)
Simon de Wijs, Ricco van Prooijen, Sjoert Brink, Bas Drijver, Bauke Muller en Louk Verhees (2011)
#lekkerbelangrijk zult u denken en dat is misschien ook zo. Maar als je denkt in termen van #succes per actief lid is de #score wel er hoog.
#ledental :
#schaken ong. 25.000 (1*)
#dammen ong. 26,000 (16*)
#bridgen ong. 70.000 (3*)
Ter vergelijking met andere sporten:
#Korfbal, 85.688 leden, 10 wereldtitels.
#Veldhockey (3)
#veldhockey #Korfbal #bridgen #dammen #schaken #ledental #score #succes #lekkerbelangrijk #wereldtop #denksport
As rogue #Tory #MP Andrew #Bridgen- and all the other usual people- make misleading claims about #vaccines, it's well worth reading the MD page in Private Eye magazine for the latest #statistics and #research. This jumped out: "Modelling by Imperial College London estimated that 19.8 million Covid-19 #deaths worldwide were prevented in the first year of #vaccination"
#COVID #vaccination #deaths #research #statistics #vaccines #bridgen #mp #tory
As rogue #Tory #MP Andrew #Bridgen- and all the other usual people- make misleading claims about #vaccines, it's well worth reading the MD page in Private Eye magazine for the latest #statistics and #research. This jumped out: "Modelling by Imperial College London estimated that 19.8 Covid-19 #deaths worldwide were prevented in the first year of #vaccination"
#COVID #vaccination #deaths #research #statistics #vaccines #bridgen #mp #tory
Bridgen om Knoalster Lorelei
#Bridgeclub #Stadskanaal #bridgen #lorelei #derank #zalencentrum #bridgedrive
#Bridgeclub #Stadskanaal #bridgen #lorelei #derank #zalencentrum #bridgedrive
If Bridgen sues Hancock, how credible will testimony be from EITHER of them? Bridgen has been accused by a judge of lying in court during a civil case, and Hancock claimed to have thrown a protective ring around care homes, while sending untested hospital patients to them, during the early days of pandemic. Six of one & half a dozen of the other! #Bridgen #Hancock #Credibility https://www.dumptheguardian.com/politics/2023/jan/26/andrew-bridgen-to-sue-matt-hancock-over-tweet-calling-him-antisemitic
#Credibility #hancock #bridgen
RT @poorscousertom@twitter.com
In the space of a week, @SuellaBraverman@twitter.com Devalues the narrative of a woman with history, @nadhimzahawi@twitter.com avoids paying his taxes, @BorisJohnson@twitter.com has a secret long lost cousin that funds him, @SteveBarclay@twitter.com denies all knowledge of anything #Bridgen is expelled from being an MP
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/poorscousertom/status/1614901834858254337
MP suspended over vaccine comments wants to take professional camel-muncher to court. Can he? | Vox Political
#Andrew #Bridgen #Matt #Hancock #Teesside #Free #Port #law #court
#andrew #bridgen #matt #hancock #teesside #free #port #law #court
Those of you who follow my musings on politics will know that I'm not the Tory party's greatest fan, but credit where it's due, they were absolutely right to suspend Bridgen for spreading antivax nonsense.
And it shows that although the political right in the UK may be dreadful, they haven't gone quite as far off the deep end as the political right in the US. Can you imagine anyone being suspended from the GOP for antivax nonsense?
Iso-Britannian oma #AnoTurtiainen löytyy luoteis-#Leicestershire sta.
#Tory jen parlamentaarikko #AndrewBridgen on erotettu puolueen parlamenttiryhmästä, koska rinnasti #koronarokotteet #holokausti in. Jatkaa itsenäisenä parlamentaarikkona.
Andrew #Bridgen suspended from #Tories because of his writings about #CoronaVaccinations.
#Covid19 #korona #konservatiivit #Conservatives #Tories #UKpol #IsoBritannia #korona
#anoturtiainen #leicestershire #tory #andrewbridgen #koronarokotteet #holokausti #bridgen #tories #coronavaccinations #covid19 #korona #konservatiivit #conservatives #ukpol #isobritannia
@WeemansGin Bet the Tories are loving #Bridgen for this distraction in MSM.
Better late than never, but very late. #Tory fake news propagandist #Bridgen suspended.
#RegnoUnito #Commons
La composizione della Commons dopo la sospensione di Andrew #Bridgen:
#CON|ECR: 356 seggi
#LAB|S&D: 195
#SNP|G/EFA: 45
Indipendenti: 14
#LDEM|RE: 14
#DUP|Destra unionista: 8
#PC|G/EFA: 3
#SDLP|S&D: 2
#Alba|indipendentisti scozzesi: 2
#Greens|G/EFA: 1
Speaker: 1
#regnounito #commons #bridgen #con #lab #SNP #LDEM #dup #sf #pc #sdlp #alba #greens #APNI
#RegnoUnito #Commons
Il parlamentare Andrew #Bridgen è stato sospeso dal #CON|Centro-destra per aver diffuso disinformazione sul vaccino per il COVID-19.
#regnounito #commons #bridgen #con
#Tory MP suspended for failing to declare an interest. #Bridgen