🐙 Compañero Allende · @morpheo
387 followers · 18592 posts · Server kolektiva.social

Today we painted.

The painting was a collaboration between Brigada Luna and Chilean muralist Robinson Avello.

The mural is not painted in the regular Brigada Luna style, which mainly focuses on people who have lived in, and as, the consequence of the coup and dictatorship, but this time lends itself to more classical themes.

The mural is roughly 15-20 metres by three metres.

Edit: Alt-text added.

#brigadaluna #50anosdememorias #50aravminnen #50yearsofmemories #malmo #Chile #suecia #sweden #sverige #mural #mastoart #wedidathing

Last updated 1 year ago

🐙 · @morpheo
394 followers · 13744 posts · Server kolektiva.social
🐙 · @morpheo
394 followers · 13744 posts · Server kolektiva.social
🐙 · @morpheo
394 followers · 13744 posts · Server kolektiva.social
🐙 · @morpheo
394 followers · 13744 posts · Server kolektiva.social

det första som hände var att en svenne som såg ett gäng svartskallar måla på en fri vägg började jiddra om regler och om hur kommunen borde reglera väggen.

#brigadaluna #ParaQueNuncaMas #mapuche #cultrun #50anosdememorias #50aravminnen #50yearsofmemories #malmo #suecia #sverige #sweden

Last updated 1 year ago

🐙 · @morpheo
394 followers · 13744 posts · Server kolektiva.social
🐙 · @morpheo
428 followers · 11574 posts · Server kolektiva.social

Frige alla politiska fångar!
50 år av minnen Chile-Suecia

As always a collaborative effort. Lot's of people stopped by to talk, some helped us paint, some helped us with translations.

In all a good day.

#brigadaluna #frigeallapolitiskafangar #libertadalospresospoliticos #Chile #sverige #suecia #sweden #50aravminnen #50anosdememorias #50yearsofmemories #malmo #kvinnalivfrihet #zanzendegiazadi

Last updated 1 year ago

🐙 · @morpheo
427 followers · 11367 posts · Server kolektiva.social
🐙 · @morpheo
427 followers · 11365 posts · Server kolektiva.social
🐙 · @morpheo
408 followers · 10399 posts · Server kolektiva.social
🐙 · @morpheo
408 followers · 10399 posts · Server kolektiva.social

Let's explain the mural:

The blue is the sky and the ocean. The blue is the expanse, the distance, in both space and time. The crests of the waves are the hashtags -- -- representing the demand for justice for the 2200 illegal adoption from to , of which only approx 200 are under scrutiny, and those are only being investigated from the Chilean side.

Link: riksdagen.se/sv/dokument-lagar

The babies are the stolen children, the briefcase represents the travel, the bait & switch (a briefcase filled with babies instead of gold bars). The label clarifies the number of adoptions (2200) between Chile and Sweden.
The baby on the ground, the artisanal doll, represents the same, but also the loneliness, the innocence of a baby (who sleeps with a smile on their face), the fragility and the ease of how it can be made to disappear. (The doll was, as previously remarked, stolen on the evening of the same day as the mural was painted.)

The birds -- in the classical shape of Chilean women's artisanal / art used to communicate with their imprisoned partners/family -- represent the crying mothers creating the very sea with their tears. The birds also form the eastern coast line of the southern half of South America, representing other countries (mainly & ) who had their children stolen under & by dictatorship.
The fish, otoh, represent the Swedish families, since the tragedy is double: On the receiving side aswell as on the side of the stolen children, the "delivering" side.

The stitching on the letters also represent traditional women's art -- -- which, lamentably, is often looked down upon as "not real art" or "not political [enough]" simply because it is practiced by women. This is a patriarchal notion Chile -- aswell as Sweden, mind you -- still struggles with.

The phrase "50 years of memories" is used to demark that it's the memories of many, the years of many, the lives of many affected. Much like the famous Allende quote "El futuro es nuesto y lo hacen los pueblos"(sic) -- "The future is ours and is made by the peoples"(n.b.) -- speaks of multitudes and not singularities.

#nomassilencio #ingenmeratystnad #Chile #sweden #lanografias #argentina #uruguay #arpilleras #chileadoption #destulnabarnen #brigadaluna #malmo #suecia #sverige #50aravminnen #50anosdememorias #50yearsofmemories

Last updated 1 year ago

🐙 · @morpheo
402 followers · 10109 posts · Server kolektiva.social

New mural in , by , commemorating the 2200 children stolen from to in illegal during the 70's through 90's. On a background of blue hues representing the sky and the sea, are the silhouettes of Chile at the far left, and Sweden at the top right edge. On the horizon a briefcase containing 5 babies, labeled "2200 illegal adoptions".

Title of the mural (in Swedish): "The stolen children"

On the left (Chilean) side are six artisanal doves () crying, on the right are six crying fish, all representing the tears of the families (on both sides) creating the ocean of tears. The birds form the eastern coast of South America (Argentina, Uruguay) indicating that other countries also had their children stolen.

On the horizon, forming the crests of waves, are the hashtags & repeated.

Below, the text "1973 50 years of memories 2023" (in Swedish) in black and white letters decorated with "stitches".

#malmo #brigadaluna #Chile #sweden #adoptions #lanografias #nomassilencio #ingenmeratystnad #50aravminnen #50yearsofmemories

Last updated 1 year ago

🐙 · @morpheo
402 followers · 10109 posts · Server kolektiva.social

New mural in , by , commemorating the 2200 children stolen from to in illegal during the 70's through 90's. On a background of blue hues representing the sky and the sea, are the silhouettes of Chile at the far left, and Sweden at the top right edge. On the horizon a briefcase containing 5 babies, labeled "2200 illegal adoptions".

Title of the mural (in Swedish): "The stolen children"

On the left (Chilean) side are six artisanal doves () crying, on the right are six crying fish, all representing the tears of the families (on both sides) creating the ocean of tears. The birds form the eastern coast of South America (Argentina, Uruguay) indicating that other countries also had their children stolen.

On the horizon, forming the crests of waves, are the hashtags & repeated.

Below, the text "1973 50 years of memories 2023" (in Swedish) in black and white letters decorated with "stitches".


#malmo #brigadaluna #Chile #sweden #adoptions #lanografias #nomassilencio #ingenmeratystnad #50aravminnen #50yearsofmemories

Last updated 1 year ago

🐙 morpheo :fuck_verify: 🐙 · @morpheo
382 followers · 8273 posts · Server kolektiva.social

Mural in city of Malmö, in commemoration of the coup d'etat in Chile, and the women--many of them pregnant--disappeared by the fascist regime.



#brigadaluna #50yearsofmemories #allende #malmo #sweden #Chile

Last updated 1 year ago