Je l'ai piqué chez l'oiseau bleu justement ! 😎 #brigandage
Succès mérité, le strip fait mouche ! 👏
They Called Us Brigands: The Saga of St. Lucia's Freedom Fighters by Robert J. Devaux; Patrick A.B. Anthony
#brigandage, #brigands, #Ioüanalao, #Iyonola, #Hewanarau, #Hewanorra, #StLucia, #SaintLucia, #LesserAntilles, #Caribbean, #Martinique, #Guadeloupe, #maroonage, #maroons, #marronage, #blackchattelslavery, #war, #guerrillawarfare, #guerrillawar, #guerrillas, #Caribbeanhistory, #NègMawon, #britishimperialism, #frenchimperialism, #colonialism
The Black freedom fighters of the Lesser Antilles became known as “brigands” during the french revolution. Their fascinating story has never been written, perhaps because they have been dismissed as runaway slaves in a state of insurrection. The author believed that history has been unfair to the “brigands”. He felt indebted to them for sparing the life of his great-great-great-grandmother who was left in their care when the rest of the Devaux family fled to Martinique for safety. His gratitude motivated him to attempt to exonerate the “brigands” from the stigma of their history and present them in a different light, as freedom fighters caught up in a desperate situation.
#brigandage #brigands #Ioüanalao #Iyonola #Hewanarau #Hewanorra #StLucia #SaintLucia #LesserAntilles #caribbean #martinique #guadeloupe #maroonage #maroons #marronage #blackchattelslavery #war #GuerrillaWarfare #guerrillawar #guerrillas #Caribbeanhistory #NègMawon #britishimperialism #frenchimperialism #colonialism
28 novembre 1721 : supplice du brigand Louis-Dominique Cartouche.