I meant to share this closer to #BrightonRuby, but it got lost somewhere. Look at this delicious piece of #Vegan Biscoff cake from Pelicano Coffee. It was so massive that I failed to eat the whole thing. As usual, the coffee was exquisite. I always visit here every time I am in Brighton.
Thank you to all the following people I met and chatted with at #BrightonRuby. It was a pleasure.
@eightbitraptor @joeldrapper @wj @benoit @fglc2 @tekin @marcoroth @caius @kaspth @denis @timriley @Michaelkeene @nony
#brightonruby #rails #ruby #rubyfriends #rubyonrails
Late into the night before #BrightonRuby, some of us discussed DHH and his leadership of #Rails. @ufuk did a fantastic job moderating the conversation and highlighted that the Rails team is more than one person.
At the conference, there was plenty of food for thought. Something from @nickschwaderer’s talk stuck with me. It was the idea of “no dunking”.
I will now raise the likes of @eileencodes instead of putting others done.
#brightonruby #rails #ruby #rubyfriends #rubyonrails
The unofficial(?) motto of #Ruby is “Matz is nice, so we are nice”, or MINSWAN. I got a similar feeling during #BrightonRuby. I heard so many people exclaiming in disbelief at the welcomeness of the community and the conference. I put most of this down to @andycroll and his incredible inclusive attitude. We need another motto, “Andy is nice, so we are nice”.
#ruby #brightonruby #rails #rubyfriends #rubyonrails
I've posted a transcript of my @brightonruby talk, with slides: https://po-ru.com/2023/07/05/back-in-my-day
#ruby #BrightonRuby
I wrote a little thing about hobbies, based on the first week of my sabbatical: https://jamie.ideasasylum.com/2023/07/02/hobbies
What do my hobbies of painting #warhammer40k Orks & keeping tropical fish, and @threedaymonk #BrightonRuby talk, @joehart’s fun projects, and @tenderlove’s mycology have in common?
@james ruby.social was great during #BrightonRuby and being able to follow a hashtag in a chronological manner was more useful than Twitter’s model
I finally made it over to elephant site from bird site. Thanks to the various speakers at #BrightonRuby who highlighted ruby.social as a place for at least my coding-related thoughts
Had a brilliant time yesterday at #BrightonRuby - some great talks including a very timely one on documentation (!) plus brill to meet some people in real life for the first time whom I’d only worked with remotely!
Left a warm fuzzy feeling and I can’t wait until next year. fantastic job by @andycroll - really great.
@nickschwaderer Thank you for your talk at #BrightonRuby and for bringing some of _why's whimsy wisdom through Scarpe.
I told you I had a good quality print of “Nobody Knows Shoes”. I took it out in hope of finding who printed it or how I stumbled upon it... but in vain, there's no editor nor date.
When you have Rickie Martin in your head...
Heading home after another marvelous @brightonruby. I don’t know how he does it, but @andycroll manages to put on a uniquely special event year after year! Great so see so many #rubyfriends too. 7K seafront run this morning, coffee, now headed to the train home. #brightonruby
I enjoyed #BrightonRuby yesterday. My lightning talk seemed to be received well. I'm happy about that: a disproportionate amount of effort went into those ~5 minutes!
The code and some details are here: http://po-ru.com/talks/bimd
Thoroughly enjoyed @threedaymonk’s #BrightonRuby lightning talk “Back in my day… 20 years of Ruby in 5 minutes” and not just because of the Four Yorkshiremen nod: https://github.com/threedaymonk/back-in-my-day
Given the amount of stick I get for continuing to support Ruby 1.8.7 in my gems (cough cough @tom ), perhaps it is time to really focus on Ruby 1.6.8 support.
Reminded by @codefolio’s #BrightonRuby talk, I’ll enjoy countering anyone who protests “footguns” by considering “sharp knives” instead:
“Because it’s always about other programmers when the value of sharp knives is contested. I’ve yet to hear a single programmer put up their hand and say ‘I can’t trust myself with this power, please take it away from me!’. It’s always ‘I think other programmers would abuse this’. That line of paternalism has never appealed to me.”
— https://rubyonrails.org/doctrine#provide-sharp-knives