@scottjenson @J12t Bingo! The easiest way to get great #UXDesign ideas deployed is to sketch out how + why they might work, as a basis for discussion with anyone who might implement them.
For one possible example of how to use this medium to reach out to client developers, see how I've been using the #BrilliantUX hashtag over the past few months.
Today's #BrilliantUX choice is the way @Decad3nce reorganized account profiles in @trunksapp to focus on original content by that person.
In most Mastodon clients, profiles contain two parallel firehoses of content ("posts" vs. "with replies"). The key innovation here is to cluster boosts with replies into a secondary "activities" stream.
This way, posts which start new conversations are segregated from the larger firehose of participation with others. Try it!
Today's #BrilliantUX is the default sort order for personalized recommendations at https://whomtofollow.com/
Note the wordsmithing here, which explains why the default results are so interesting. Allowing you to switch to alternate #AccountCuration algorithms immediately demonstrates how much specificity you'd lose by just following the herd elsewhere.
Bravo @mattlehrer!
@scottjenson I'd love to see a small website which collected #BrilliantUX ideas (implemented or unimplemented) for Fediverse clients. Those could include:
- annotated screenshots,
- prototypes in your favorite mocking tool,
- links to well-described feature requests,
- even links to rejected PRs ...
The important thing would be to have a talented designer's take on how their ideal client might feel, so that motivated devs could come see who to collaborate with.
@scottjenson However, for me, the most promising target for doing innovative UX work is this fast-growing dogs breakfast of an ecosystem right here. (The one we're awkwardly using to communicate w/each other.)
The current outburst of tiny #OpenSource projects building Mastodon clients is really exciting. But so far, the most #BrilliantUX examples I've seen came from individual devs experimenting within different codebases, all of them incomplete.
Add your UX value here, please!
Today's #BrilliantUX hack is @mauforonda's realization that Mastodon's (private) bookmarks can be repurposed as a suitable target for a personalized algorithmic feed.
Loving the #BrilliantUX in this weather #sparkline from https://merrysky.net/, a replacement for the beloved Dark Sky mobile app. At a glance, I can easily see that it'll be dry + chilly all week, but temps will warm significantly during the next rainstorm, which should peak early Friday morning.
Kudos to developer Guillaume Carbonneau!