Original toot date: 03 March, 2023
A few pics from our #CleanUpAustraliaDay event at Brimbank Park.
Thank you to everyone who come along & put in a huge effort despite the heat today!
#brimbank #brimbankpark #CleanUpAustralia #CleanUp #SaveThePlanet #mooneevalley
#cleanupaustraliaday #brimbank #brimbankpark #cleanupaustralia #cleanup #savetheplanet #mooneevalley
It was encouraging to see councillors at this months council meeting, advocate for maintenance and facility improvements at Brimbank Park. I completely agree that this park is in desperate need of funding and repair. However, I am disappointed that considering their passion for this park, no councillor attended the recent Clean Up Australia Day event at Brimbank Park, or even responded to their invitation to attend the event.
More information here:
Council meeting minutes here:
Council Meeting meeting live-stream:
#WeAreBrimbank #Brimbank #BrimbankPark Brimbank Park
#wearebrimbank #brimbank #brimbankpark
A few pics from our #CleanUpAustraliaDay event at Brimbank Park.
Thank you to everyone who come along & put in a huge effort despite the heat today!
#brimbank #brimbankpark #CleanUpAustralia #CleanUp #SaveThePlanet #mooneevalley
#cleanupaustraliaday #brimbank #brimbankpark #cleanupaustralia #cleanup #savetheplanet #mooneevalley