Hackaday Berlin: Final Schedule, Last Call for Tickets, and More https://hackaday.com/2023/03/16/hackaday-berlin-final-schedule-last-call-for-tickets-and-more/ #HackadayBerlin2023 #HackadayBerlin #lightningtalks #BringAHack #cons #News
#hackadayberlin2023 #hackadayberlin #lightningtalks #bringahack #cons #News
RT from alex ☆ glow (@glowascii)
Flashback to #BringAHack at Bay Area #MakerFaire '17! I made these #carbonfiber claws by vacuum-forming plastic over wood forms I carved by hand, then lit them up with NeoPixel #LEDs, w/ @arduino on a #Teensy. They were originally for my EEG-reactive mohawk, made as a Pier 9 AiR!
Original tweet : https://twitter.com/glowascii/status/1531503041437835269
#bringahack #makerfaire #carbonfiber #leds #teensy
RT @oshpark@twitter.com: Amazing AI robot owl project by @glowascii@twitter.com of @Hacksterio@twitter.com at #bringahack earlier this month after #makerfaire! https://www.hackster.io/glowascii
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/oshpark/status/1002257478845857792
RT @SeanLeftBelow@twitter.com: #BringAHack LEGO pop up book. @makerfaire@twitter.com @oshpark@twitter.com #MakerFaireBayArea @make@twitter.com
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/SeanLeftBelow/status/998411225498202112
#bringahack #makerfairebayarea